3-Strike Time Delay Penalty for Abandoning

Do you think there should be a 3 strike system for leaving early where the 3rd strike is a massive time delay penalty for joining matches? One strike will expire every 2 hours (details below).
  • Yes
  • No
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I really thought that over the years the problem with people leaving after 1 death would disappear, especially since repair costs are now cheaper which was a previously common reason for people leaving. When looking up past threads on the issue, a lot of people say Gaijin needs to fix the issues of why people leave in the first place but no one every really speaks up to what those issues are now that repair costs are so much less.

I’d recommend a strike system where if you leave early you get a strike. (Leave early is leave after one death when you still have SP for more vehicles and you’re still within the first 10 minutes of the match). If you get 3 strikes, you can’t join a match for 30 minutes for any nation or game mode. Every 2 hours one strike is removed from your account.

This system would leave exception for things like a frustrating match, toxic players, dropping early to play with your friends, or any other reasonable reason to leave a game every now and then but punish those who do it habitually.

As a play-to-the-end kind of guy, having an average of 5 people leaving early with seemingly no good reason almost every game is wildly frustrating, especially when the team is winning then suddenly we’re outnumbered and lose.

As the doom slayer has spoken. ,no,

Crew locks dont work to stop leavers and more often than not punish players who don’t deserve it, you’re asking for a punishment system like we see in WoT or any shitty arena shooter, war thunder isn’t that


The solution is to provide more rewards the longer you’re in the match.


if ur talking about usa top tier the real solution is give USA a SAM, sam is just a crutch for people who would be out of SP otherwise T.T

This has good intentions however Crew Locks didn’t stop anyone so this would not make any difference. Even then knowing Gaijin if this system was added it would need to detect if the connection between the server hamster and User was severed usually due to->the server hamster dying. However considering Crew Lock hasn’t changed since the beginning, I doubt all of the Developer’s ability to make it functional.

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I think if you want to fix early leavers, you need to fix the maps.

Earlier today I had a match on “Middle East” where the western team was more than capable of camping spawn from the objectives.

I legitimately couldn’t leave our spawn as early as 6 minutes into the game. I absolutely do not blame anyone who left after dying because of the sheer amount of easy spawn camping there.

And it is not unique. Other maps also have terrible sightlines that allow shooting either straight into spawn from half-way across the map, or the very least allow shooting enemies barely after they got out of spawn.

And no, the “enemies in spawn” thing does not trigger because again: you’re being shot from half-way across the map like South-east spawn from C by west on middle east.

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If I don’t want to play a bad match where I certainly will lose, I don’t want to.

I don’t know this kind of mentality of people “Uhh, but you should play to not interfere in people’s experience.” or some bullshit like that.

This is not a ranking competitive game like WoT or CS.


You need to fix a lot more than the maps. Balance, the grind, and overall gameplay quality/repetitiveness also causes lots of it.

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I guess I just don’t relate to any of these problems.

As someone who stays in EVERY game until I run out of SP or lineup, I notice very frequently a winning game turn to an empty map and pull up my scoreboard to see that our team will have 5 one-and-done players and the other team might just have 1. This leads to being outnumbered and creating mathematically improbable win scenarios. The people leaving claiming their team can’t win and trying to blame poor map design are actually a huge contribution to that fact and a significant part of the problem.

If you think this game is so broken that you constantly have to leave games after 1 death then maybe War Thunder isn’t for you.

(Side note: I find most people complaining that you can shoot into spawns from the middle of the map are the people trying to climb to the top of a hill and snipe into objectives. If you stay low in the deadzones you can pretty much get anywhere at anytime… this goes for any tank game since tanks reliably have little depression and can’t shoot down on you without completely exposing themselves)


It is often or not something you take notice of when you’re constantly playing for years. Once you learn the maps you learn these flaws. Once you learn these flaws, you realize just how stupid and fixable they are.

The consensus is a mosh posh of different disagreements and agreements consolidating into 1 single answer “Fix the maps, or we will make your life a pain”. This is why WT players sometimes go to the extremes since often or not they are almost required to point as often or not things that folks want only have seemed to be suggested, or added because of the damage the community can do to the credibility of a company.

Now if you’re asking “How does this relate to the idea of maps” ->Bad Maps=Angry People=Boiling Pot+Everything else=Kaboom. I remember seeing old videos of how Gaijin was gonna make maps fully destructible but this was never implemented due to engine limitations funny thing is, a lot of users have stated in the past that there are still ways to implement it to an extent. One of them is heavily reducing the level of detail and such.

Anyway sorry if I’m potentially thinking too much into this, I tend to do that.

This would only cause many players to abandon the game forever.
The real issue is that you often can’t recover once your team got wiped after the first contact. Often matches end up with one team spawncamping the other and tell why should I spawn again if the spawns are already surrounded? I won’t give anyone freekills for no effort, especialy because it would costs a lot of silver lions to repair your tanks.

Instead of working against symtoms it would be better to look what causes this and solve the problem at it’s roots.

And if anyone should get penalties it’s the spawncampers and not the ODLs.

It’s not nation dependent problem. It was primarily an 8.0+ br issue in the past due to repair costs being high. Those repair costs are not high anymore. I’m seeing it happen all the way down at 3.7 with people consistently leaving after one death. In the last week all of my games I’ve had at least 5 quit after 1 and one game I had 9 that left out of a total of 12 players on my team. It screws a team over when just over a quarter of a team quit after 1 death.
It’s leading to stale monotonous gameplay when it’s a matter of victory via who has the fewest one a done players. It becomes like Operation Metro from Battlefield 3, a race to spawn camp for 5 minutes of wack a mole.

You’ve not heard ‘It’s not over until the fat lady sings’…

This is the thing, you aren’t psychic and your efforts, whilst you feel aren’t doing anything, are.

You cannot deny that when you check the scoreboard and see the enemy at half to a third of them remaining, that you don’t start pushing.

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This won’t affect people who only bought one tank and will exclusively hurt people who bought a full line-up and ended up as the only person on the team


I think not. This genre of game is already unfriendly enough to someone who’s not unemployed or retired. Being punished for emergencies is not mindful of a huge part of the playerbase.

30 minutes may be too long but there should be some consequence. Maybe just waiting the full duration of that battle like WoT until you can use that line-up again on the 3rd strike.

also the fact that the other side always seems to have shell that can go through buildings, bunkers etc and kill you in one shot yet takes you multiple hits to kill them. Being I was in the Army as a tank crewman it boggles my mind how those shells work. or killing you from half way across map when they had no shot. Things really need to be reworked.

I would generally support an idea like this, However… Recently my i9-13900k has been crashing me during matches, mostly when I load in. Its a huge problem right now with i9-13900k and i9-14900k, and unfortunately many of us with this problem are waiting for Intel to RMA our crap so we can fix it.

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This is, frankly, a horrible idea. Sorry.

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