2S6 too low BR

  • I’m here for create a topic about the 2S6 and like the tittle said, it is for nerf this very too OP SAM/SPAA because of his BR and more with his recent buff of 30G missiles.

For a 10.7 she have 4x30mm very good canons with a very fast turret traverse, and the best bullshit, she have 8 missiles fast 30G at 10Km!!! THe ITO dosn’t have even that for a 11.7!

Many planes and especially Helicopter was nerfed with a Battle rating higher (ex: Zulu go 10.7 to 11.3 with just crap Hellfire B…even the K are weak).
-Maybe as like for many cases unbalanced in this game, Gaijin must look what others nations have? This Vehicule itself make the new SIM BR and the 10.0/11.0 BR in ground RB very hard to play in the Air with a full team with SUPAA OP SOviet, its not like their is just one. It is eneugh SOviet have so much very good vehicules with science fiction ERA Armor+ IFV who are ALL so low BR (HSTVL 11.3, VBCi2 9.7 when PVO or BMP2M are 10.0 and its one exemple, their is too much).
-ANd because So many people play the easiest way, many play Soviet and they are most of the time in their BR when me for exemple are ALWAYS uptier in any game mod!
So Tired!


11.0 is ok


Gaijin nerfed Roland,irst of starstreak,radar of ASRAD,made most of 10.3 SPAA unplayable.
In the same time they buff 2S6 missile to 32G and keep it 10.7, this is “balanced”


Ehhhh, I’m not a 2S6 fan but I don’t feel like it’s undertiered.


2S6 is at a perfect BR.
It forces CAS to be afraid while not being OP.
2S6 is still easily defeated by excellent CAS play.
It should stay at 10.7.

@ex3333 2S6 went from a 7G missile to a missile comparable to Roland 3.
That buff isn’t enough to make it significantly higher than Roland systems.


All those games were before the missile changes.
I stopped playing SPAA entirely after those changes cause CAS is OP so it’s better to use fighters against CAS or just not worry about CAS.

I’ve faced all the platforms you listed hundreds of times, which matters more than using them.
If I can die to a platform once in a while it’s good, cause I play CAS correctly.
Rolands, 2S6s, and Stormer all kill me about equally.

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I have played 2S6 before and after missile overload buff, it feels better now, but it’s main problem is radar. It’s usually lose the track of the plane and feels glitchy, compared to Roland system radar

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Why not use its IRST?

I think in a couple months they’ll finally get their 2s6 statistics and send it to 11.0. Just wait.

It was the same with JH-7A and Strela. The devs have almost stopped immediately raising br when they give a vehicle some sort of buff. They now need a minimum of 2-3 months, when everything is clear in a week.

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I did use it, but it didn’t help much that time. Need to check it again, if it is really perform well - 2S6 should go back to 11.0

I think you’re going off the stat card too much. The 9M311 missiles look good on paper but their 32G overload is only for the first few seconds of flight, then their motor burns out and they quickly lose any maneuverability. I struggle to hit maneuvering helicopters at 8km with them, and a jet is just a complete non-option. I don’t feel like they’re any better than the other 10.3-10.7 missile’s I’ve used, like the BOLIDE on the ASRAD feels better to me for most targets. The guns are a nice advantage compared to stuff like the Rolands but you can get that + fire and forget IR missiles on the Gepard 1A2 or LAV-AD, which are also a bit better vs tanks given the APHE and APDS on the Gepard or the rocket pods on the LAV-AD.

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lol, what a joke! Compare 2S6 vs Asrad or LAV AD? An agile SPAA/SAAm with very good quad 30mm who easy overpressure + 8 very good Missiles at 10km with 5m proximity, and VS a Manpad 12G and max 5km from back + Gatling 25mm same pen but No Radar. And the Asrad are just slightly better missile than Roland but be a copy past for everything else…OK ok ok ok…

And yeah 2S6 have a weak spot radar like all others SAM, and don’t tell me about Roland with his crap élévation of 35° vs yours 85°(Asrad Same)!!! Impossible to attack a plane who turn around you even at 3 km and especially with the mobility of Roland/Asrad Missile when your turret traverse speed is easy to shoot a fast low plane who want surprise you or even an Heli who is coming for rocket your butt.

How? 10.3 CAS out-ranges the 2S6 by at least 2km, well… the Jags and Viggen out-range the 2S6 at the least.

GBU planes can outrange even a pantsir. So what? But such tactics are incredibly ineffective and time-consuming for our fast-paced matches. Plus the GBU nerf also had an impact. After the buff, the 2s6 became too much superior to any other spaa presented on br 10.3 to be only a +0.3 step away from them. So it’s either rolands on 10.0 or 2s6 on 11.0.

Viggen doesn’t have an aiming container. How are you gonna out-range 2s6? You’ll be locking the ground, not 2s6 from that distance.

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The tactics are ~45 seconds of prep at 100 meters per second, then you just do them.
There’s no real time consuming.
And no, all 2S6 really has over Rolands is the 2km extra range and the guns for foolish CAS pilots.

Bring id of replay with you and 10.3 cas. Let’s see in practice.

Forgive my ignorance, but how high do you need to fly to get GBUs to travel that kind of distance? I assume you’re lobbing them from altitude and then turning away?

In the game, the gbu are capable of breaking the laws of physics. They have infinite energy to guide itself.

Wow, you’re not even that high when you release. That’s wild. Is it just those bombs that glide like that? I don’t think even the rocket-powered bombs on the Tornado GR.1 can go that far.

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It’s not me. Any TV GBU can do that.