
Just as a heads up , you can embed more than one photo in a single post, you dont have to make a single post for each photo.

Gaijin can recognize the penetrating power of the 2S38 and move it up in BR, I wouldn’t need to make a post at all then.

even if you pen those tanks in the green areas you’ll need about 10 rounds for a kill so 10x0.5=5 sec to kill a mbt. by that time the enemy knows where he’s being shot from and kills you in one tap. i’ve played 2s38 at 11.7 for more than 500 battles and at 10.0 1000 games, i think i have enough experience with it


It’s a good thing the 2S38 has 230 rounds of APFSDS then I guess

I made a comparison between XM885 and 3UBM22

1 singular match would be great

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Yes I couldn’t possibly know how to defeat the most common Russian IFV at 10.0 to 12.7 with my ~5,000 games at that BR range.

What does that have to do with your playtime in the 2S38?

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What does me not owning the vehicle have to do with me playing against the vehicle? My issue isn’t related to playing the vehicle it’s supposedly dealing with the vehicle.

Thats not how it works.

Why not? He’s obviously played against the 2s38.

Because after you used your 20 ready rack, which will deplete fast, you have to retreat and reload for quite a long time.

20 shots “10 shots to kill” two kills, what’s the problem?

during those 10 shots to kill you’ll die 9/10 times cuz you’re loud

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Gonna just drop my 2 cents here based off of all of the arguments I see made. I think we can universally agree that the most comparable vehicles to the 2S38 are the CV9040C and the HSTVL. (The OTOMATIC is there too but most people can agree that it’s overtiered with the limited darts it has) Compared to the 9040C, you get a high penning round and (honestly underused) punchy APHE and a remotely controlled turret along with IRST. And the 9040C in return gets a faster fire rate, a 20% larger ready rack, and spall liners in the hull. They seem pretty comperable on paper right? So why do people see the 2S38 as objectively better? The simple answer circles back to that first advantage, the high pen round. At 10.0 it gives you the ability to pen every MBT frontally as long as you have knowledge of weak points while the 9040C can only deal with certain MBTs frontally. That single strength tilts the scales towards the 2S38 and by a good margin (the APHE helps too since it saves you precious ready rack ammo) So I think we can agree that it shouldn’t be 10.0 if it’s stronger than the second best IFV (that already has a good edge on most of the other 10.0 IFVs) at the same BR. So lets look up at the HSTVL now. The HSTVL has a lower profile, no ready rack but somewhat limited ammo, and a higher pen round. 2S38 once again has IRST, remotely controlled turret, fire rate, and APHE. I know people argue about survivability between the two but lets be honest, they’re about the same on that front. Yes the fuel tank occasionally absorbs rounds (nowhere near as much as it used to thankfully) but the HSTVL occasionally ricochets rounds with it’s trolly armor. Once again though, I believe the 2S38 pulls ahead for one specific reason. That reason is the horrible post pen damage on the HSTVL. With its fire rate and post pen damage, you tend to get one shot off that kills one crew member before the enemy reacts to you and you miss your chance for a follow up shot that’ll disable the enemy tanks gun or let them scurry away into cover. The extra pen you get doesn’t help you much at 11.7. 2S38 covers that gap the rest of the way with the better fire rate it has and the APHE it carries. The bad post pen damage is more of an HSTVL-specific problem though, so personally I believe that the 2S38 should be 11.0 or 11.3 because lets be honest, everyone that faces you in a downtier right now is playing a survival horror game where you look at them to delete them regardless of what tank they’re using


I didn’t play the hstv-l before spall liners, but the damage is pretty abysmal whenever I use it.