
Okay the HSTV-L is 11.3

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The 2S38 isn’t classified as an SPAA ingame. It is classified as a light tank. There is no light tank at its BR range with IRST tracking and proxy shells.


And is the HSTV-L known for its amazing and competitive 75mm subcaliber APFSDS? No?


No other vehicle followed the ADATS doctrine it’s still placed at 11.7, what is your point?

M247 and VEAK are SPAAs which do not have APFSDS

OTOMATIC is 11.7

Strf 9040C does not have IRST.

reread again and think a moment before you say something

so what ? he says in the first post that both work on the same principle but the russian one get’s handled as he-vt

hard to read i guess :-/
but ye keep trying to make things up and quote only what you like xD


The HSTV-L has not been moved down in BR. Gaijin has access to player data and has deemed its BR appropriate.

The only reason behind in-game classifications are SP values.

Again, there is no other vehicle like it. It’s a new-age versatile system that isn’t even in service yet.
Look at SPAA, though, and you have other vehicles that have comparable attributes.


The 2S38 is classified as a light tank and is balanced around being a light tank.

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What is your point?

There are no SPAAs at its BR range that are comparable besides the Lvkv 9040C which has much less penetration.

And no other vehicle has smokeless motors on 10km+ missiles, as well as an overdrive 25mm with APDS.
You also have immensely good anti-tank capabilities, being able to 1-shot MBTs and splash-kill some light tanks.


Which is why it’s 11.7 what is your point?

@Vamilad don’t to argue with this guy he’s pretty much razervon but russian.

Yes, and that’s why they are 8.7 and 9.0. They only fill 1 role, and that is anti-aircraft.
Well… The VEAK has good AP rounds.

Yes, that has far superior HE and APFSDS rounds. I would rather it be 10.7-11.0, but then what purpose would the SIDAM serve?

Yup, meant to say Lvkv. Swedes have weird names.


What is your point?

It’s at a higher BR, what is your point?

You don’t quite seem to understand what he’s saying… Let me help you.

He is saying that 3UO8, a proximity HE-VT shell, explodes by itself when close to a target that triggers its fuze.
AHEAD, a shell working on similar principles, has to be manually set to range before it’s able to explode.

3UO8 is implemented as it should be, AHEAD isn’t.

Yes, because it’s HE-VT. AHEAD works by similar principles, but must be set like it’s a 1930s AA battery.

Yes, as was the resolution that he had mistakenly been speaking of 3UO6 and its laser-bound fuse.

Nice hypocrisy.


The 2S38 is an SPAAG, and has been set as a light tank to give it a higher SP and scouting.


Not Russian, but alright. I guess you haven’t been around long enough to know Vamilad.

My point is that it is at a higher BR due to its better ammunition. Is it that hard to understand? Have you already lost track of the topic?

Both the VEAK and M247 are 8.7 and 9.0 due to their strict anti-air use and outdated designs.

If we’ve gotten to this stage of the debate where you start copy-pasting non-answers, it’s time to flag the thread.