2S38 to 11.0

that is one of the factors, but the vehicle itself isnt week, the strength it have is quite good and capable

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soooo how do you play helicopters that don’t have CCIP for rockets like the AH-1G ? or any unguided rocket or bomb without CCIP?
it absolutely just a skill/practice thing.
same with all tanks firing on the move or shooting at a moving target, you HAVE to aim of center to hit.

but you are deviating from the main argument and derailing the conversation.
how does fire on the move not make it better? answer WITHOUT taking any player skill or personal experience into account.


That’s the thing, AH-1G has 50+ rockets.
Fire on the move doesn’t help when it’s CQC due to buildings, and it doesn’t help outside Sands of Sinai cause cover.
It’s situational.

does that mean you aim center?

what are you on about, when and where it happens does not matter AT ALL. i was just proving a point that aiming off center happens A LOT so why would it be different with missiles in CQC?
also, do you come to a complete stop EVERY TIME while in CQC no matter what vehicle you drive?

TADAH! just like with the BMP-2M with missiles in CQC! who would have thought.

Ah yes, halkad opposes 2S38 going to 10.3. I see.

bro loss his reading capability lmao

He said my takes are trash, which include but are not limited to: 2S38 should be 10.3.
Which means his post is calling that take bad as well. English 101 dude.

he said “many” not all.

2s38 is their cash pig so be happy it doesnt go back to 9.3
They need vehiacles like that so that noobs can have good scores but other nations should have similiar undertiered vehiacles that perform so good at given brs , not only Russia

Not a thing.
Strf 9040C is also 10.0, which is the 2S38 but Swedish, and only slightly less pen.

They are more different than that.

I was talking things that impact its BR.
IRT doesn’t impact its BR as 2S38 is already well above 9.3 BR where it’d be on SPAA capabilities.
I’ve addressed this before.
If anti-tank capabilities exceed anti-air capabilities, its BR is based on its anti-tank capabilities.
Other examples of instances of anti-tank capabilities being used for their BRs include but not limited to: Begleit, Strf 9040C, OTOMATIC…

its AA capabilities are above other AA at that BR, only shortcoming is search radar. almost all other things are better.
And its not about the AA ability and other ability’s separately, its a combination of them that makes the overall vehicle be more effective. Having 10.0 BR AT capabilities and then adding a decent AA capability on top would most likely increase the BR since you are taking away a vulnerability for that vehicle, especially light tanks since they are extra vulnerable to air.

of which i have shown that the 2S38 is better at.

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Its AA capability is lower than that of Lvkv 9040C.
Search radar is the most important thing for SPAA.
Without it you’re reliant on thermals or worse.
It’s why LAV-AD is 10.0 instead of 10.3 or higher. No search radar.

2S38 is only superior than Strf 9040C by penetration, which you agreed on.
2S38 is as fast as Begleit and Strf 9040C.
As large as Strf 9040C.

HSTVL is superior to all of them in speed, size, armor, optics, and gun.

You’re kidding, right? 1st gen thermals versus 3rd gen on 2S38 & (iirc) 2nd gen on CV9040s. Only Begleit has comparable optics to the HSTV-L.

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What exact stats are you referring to here? all of the stats regarding AA capabilities i have looked at so far are better on the 2S38. (save for search radar)

higher tiers yes. at BR 10 or lower, no.
At that BR and lower almost all Heli’s and jets has to come close enough for you to visually see them before they can do anything to you anyway.
the M247 has a search-radar. but its 9.0.

i would argue its because of range (and other things). LAV-AD has a effective range of 5-6Km tops. any AA above that has way longer ranges.

no? i specifically linked to and showed the opposite. i have not agreed to anything of the sort.

by a tiny margin. not a 1.7 BR increase amount compared to 2S38.

Idk why would someone struggle with the BMP2M missiles tbh

Skill issue, purely.

One of the outright easiest ATGM-carrying platforns to use in the game.

Yeah it’s amazing how can people struggle with such an unfair vehicle that requires no skills whatsoever

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An overperforming vehicle can only carry so much weight. Rest is up to the player.