292 not strong enough

Despite the 292 having the best shells, darts/he, at it’s br capable of penetrating everything and is still very viable at 11.7. While also having extremely good front armour and being a small target making it’s weak points hard to hit. I think the reload should be max 1 second and max br rating of 9.0, please fix


agreed, it’s not good enough to be russian


True, it should also recieve ERA and APS


it lacks thermal, should be ~7.0


This is such an insane take. Posts like this liquify my brain.

It obviously should be 6.7 with an autocannon reload.


Aim and shoot

It needs a Strela turret on top of the turret to defend itself from planes.


Yea man its also missing so much armour. Needs to have nuclear reactor building thick armour.


What’s yall br on this thing? I find it pretty meh, my current KDR of this thing is only 1.5, hadn’t even spaded it yet, I don’t know if it will get better once I spaded it, already feels like the T-64BV or TURMS is overall more well-rounded.

I don’t even have the tank and I think it needs to be put down to 6.0 with thermals added onto it. Also slap on a SAM system on the roof to help with CAS.


Can’t believe you are implying it is a Bkan 1c equivalent. That has less than a third the reload time!!!

6.0 max, it doesn’t even get heat or APHE


Damn, you make a good point. 292 to 4.7 and Sturmtiger to 2.3.


Yall are crazy, it should be 3.3 because the reload and mobility especially reverse ain’t anywhere near the almighty SAV 20.12.48 which is only at 3.7, you see the SAV could kill 5 light tanks in 6 seconds, no way in hell the inferior T-80 knock off can do the same with its slow ass 10 seconds reload.


Thank you for reminding me, but let me remind you of the Lvtdgb M/40 and L-62 ANTI-II with their bofors 40mm.

120 RPM means it can dispatch 20 light tanks in the time the 292 can reload! It even gets APHE and doesn’t have to suffer the solid shot the 292 gets.


gaijin pls lvtdgb m/40 to 11.7

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In all seriousness, can we get Leopards to 3.7? Maybe then I would get positive K/D in this game

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Leopard A1A1? easy bro, be a full-time camper and peek over the hill using binoculars, move forward to shoot your target who is unaware of your presence, and then quickly reverse back to cover, try not to engage enemies who are already aiming in your direction because you ain’t got no armor. If you want something with a little extra protection then get the M48 Super and play it the same way you would play your Leopard 1, I find it is a lot easier to maintain a positive KDR because you get to play it slightly more aggressively and not get taxed as much as when you are in the Leopard A1A1.

Sturm tiger to 2.3? are you crazy? the M22 is way stronger, sturmtiger to 1.7 and M22 to 8.3 now!

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You’re right.

While we’re at it, can the BVM get put at 5.3? The Ariete is too OP and keeps killing them.

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