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I would like to suggest this Belgian/french armored car, captured by german and rearmed with a 20mm Becker M.II gun. (Thanks to @Spr4yz for finding this Gem.) With this example (2 or 3 modified) beeing called Raudi.
Especially in an WW1-Interwar mode, this vehicle would be a fun and nimble armored car, with just enove penetration to fight most tanks, but otherwise easily other armored cars. Originally intended as a Plane Armarment as well as AT and AA gun, it comes also with fairly effective HE rounds, which will also make it a good AA vehicle, especially against WW1 planes, that are quite slow.
Overall its history is quite short.
Earlier vehicles allready showed effectiveness as small hit and run vehicles, like the Netherlands used, which resulted in the development of the A5P Armored Car, with this Minerva Armored cars beeing also quick, with usable offroad capability, armored to withstand some small arms fire and modified with the 20mm Becker M.II it was capable to destroy tanks and light reinforced positions such as MG nests and Sniper positions. Which was perfectly adequat in its roll, where it was used in the street fightings in 1919 München, where it aparently was mainly used, together with Lotta. After the war and a rather short usage, they were most likely scrapped.
The Original Minerva Armored Car made in Belgium expediently developed from the Minerva civilian car at the start of WW1. Overall they were used in combat in August 1914, in belgium as the first nation to employ Armored Cars in WW1 (not in general). With relatively good tactics as shoot and scoot, the german army took note of (which started the A5P programm), befor the Minerva factory was captured by the german army, about 30 vehicles were build. In 1916 the designe was completly revised, the top was now fully enclosed. It found its use mainly as motorised cavalry for reconnaissance, infantry support and missions behind enemy lines.
Overall the german army was able to capture at least 3 vehicles and modified (2-3 of) them for the use during the invasion of Romania with 2 beeing used during the 1919 troubles in München.
This specific vehicle is seen on the pictures, where it got a new paint job, its big skull and bones on the side with its name “Raudi”. As well as the impact marks were marked with their dates.
It was also photographed that the Raudi followed by Lotta was used in the aftermath of the occupation of München on 02.05.1919, where they pass the Town Hall.
Sadly duo to lack of documentation duo to its age there isnt really more history to it.
The Gun:
20mm Becker M.II
-20° to + 70° Elevation (?) Traverse, some inside the gunshield, the whole gunshield can rotate around the vehicle 360° on its original Turret ring/pintle mount.
Ammo: ~300 rounds.
2 cm Becker M.II
Pictures:(Click to show)
One of the first modern type 20mm Cannon and served as the basis for the later Oerlikon 20mm FF guns. Using the API Blowback action. It was Intended as a AA and AT gun, on ground, vehicles and planes/airships. Later M3 variant was heavyer, reducing the fire rate to 250 rpm but velocity to 700m/s.
It was intended as 20mm, to not be a warcrime to have an explosive filling, overall the ammo layout was also quite modern, with multiple AP rounds, HE rounds as well as incendary rounds.
Caliber: 20mm
Ammo: 20x70mmRB Becker
Fire Rate: 325 rpm
Single Shot, Full auto, 15 rounds Magazin
Muzzle velocity: 490-500m/s
Weight: 30kg
Mounting: Main Tank gun, Fixed and flexible
Ammo Types: Ap-T, I-T, I, HEI, HE
Summary Of ammo Drawings:(Click to show)

(The drawing isnt fully correct, as the nose is too thinn drawn.)
Panzergeschoß L'Spur Modell 1 (ApI-T) 145g 490m/s 18mm/10m
(Can be conciddered ApI-T, duo to huge tracer filling, made of Barium Nitrate, Magnesium and Shellac of 7g.)

Panzergeschoß L’Spur Modell 2 (ApI-T) (Identical to first one, different head form, see in above summary.)
Sprenggeschoß Modell 1 (He High capcity, Fuzeless) 137 g
5,5g TNT + 0,5g Pieic acid 495m/s (See ammo Summary)
Brandgeschoß (I) 137g 12g Incendary 495m/s some penetration
Leuchtspurgeschoß (I-T) 144g Barium Nitrate, Magnesium, Shellac filler 11g 490m/s some penetration
(A bit incorrect here)
The vehicle:
Minerva Armored Car
Armor: 4-5 mm angled
Engine: 4 cylinder 40 Ps at 2500 rpm
Drive: 4x2
Speed: 40 km/h
Crew: 3-5
Weight: 3 ton
Dimensions: 4,9 m / 1,75 m / 2 m
Notes on German Shells 1918 (2nd Edition)
Handbuch des Becker M.II
Panzer-Kraftwagen Tankograd World War One Speical. Armored Cars of the German Army and Freikorps