20,000m Max Range in TGPs Causes Problems To Guided Weapons

This feedback is from Firebirds Dev Server on 1st of November 2024

This issue needs an urgent solution as fast as possible, it is about GNSS weapons in general but not exclusively.

These weapons work properly only when there is a “stabilized” mark on the targeted location before launch\drop.

That means if the pilot used the TGP on a 30km target, pointed then launched the missile or dropped the bomb at very good parameters and nice approach, the used weapon will not do the job.

I tested Grom 1 (before getting removed), Grom 2 and couple of the new gliding bombs, all started to behave weirdly and didn’t reach to target.

However when the pilot drop\launch the used GNSS weapon and the mark on target is stabilized everything will work as intended.

Why this is a big problem?

Because the 700s of guidance time of the new GBU-39 or the 120km max range of Grom 1 missile or 50km range capable Grom 2 will not mean anything out of the testing environment.

The player will not be able to use some of these weapons even at 25% of their max range in Ground RB or even in air modes against static AI units because of the 20,000m max distance of the TGP sight stabilization.

Additionally, KH-38ML is also negatively affected by the limitation of range in TGP sight to 20,000m.

This issue is not exclusive to GNSS weapons, as you see a laser guided missile is affected too.

20,000m max range in TGP, the final limit for a stabilized POI in War Thunder is not healthy for the game anymore, the invisible 20km radius sphere around the aircraft maybe a bug or a balance thing, the important thing to know is it is causing problems now, and it needs to go.

The videos below are showing this issue:

GNSS weapons issue, moment marked https://youtu.be/gmghO1ohgPc?si=zCVfgTwfqgq-3hDF&t=49

KH-38ML feedback video https://youtu.be/6_AJW_lvbhc?si=NioiPmeq5LRu5fNt

I suggest these two solutions:

1- Increase the sight stab max range from 20,000m to 200,000m


2- Marking targets for GNSS weapons or guiding KH-38ML or any weapon that got affected by this issue should be possible and normal even if the sight was not stabilized

Thanks a lot in advance for your great efforts.


Surprised that we don’t see more people talking about this, (, in my opinion,) at this point game breaking, issue.


THE Hunter_i86?
yep, we agree


Tanks fail to render in at 4 km without a TGP for me. It’s so annoying to guide manual missiles because of that


I’ve seen mentions before that it is apparently an engine limitation but I am not convinced since you can stabilise a lock on the ground from beyond 20km if you do so outside of targeting pod view


I’ve not seen gaijin say engine limitations, just hearsay from others discussing this. Which is why I’m not convinced (as well as the fact that you can lock beyond 20km with out of pod view).

He could have said absolutely anything and i would have agreed without questions


I couldn’t agree more. However one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that at 20km the view that we get through the TGP is already pretty random at times. What I mean is: tanks not rendering, tanks phasing through the ground, tanks seemingly defying the laws of physics by flying or stopping instantly. They would also need to fix that.


You are right! Very unfair for example because pantsir… All nations have about 10km+ anti air but the pantsir 20km… And all planes will get nerf RWR aaa so more difficult to fight against it. I think the best is first rate the 20 km scale higher.


Meanwhile Israel with 2-5km max (aspect / target dependent).

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I agree with you 20km STAB pod is wierd

100% agree we need the 20km stabilisation limit removed and render distances increased appropriately otherwise its impossible to employ these weapons appropriately in a live match. Side note while im thinking of it - should also just remove the visibility/spotting mechanics entirely - giving things literal invisibility is idiotic when low visibility vehicles already have their smaller visual cross sections making them naturally harder to spot. If you are looking at something it should be rendered full stop - then its up to your ability to discern if a target is there.


My guess is that vehicles have a lower update rate the further they are from the player for performance reasons - there was never any reason to have continual position/model updates eating performance in the past as you’d never see it. Same as when you use a guided munition on a ground vehicle and use the F2 camera to watch it guide itself in but the target vehicle isn’t rendering.

Now, with more modern optics and weapons I would guess this needs to be reworked. Assuming I’m right. Could be that changing this has larger performance ramifications for the game.


You’re right! Unbalanced tech trees and br system… I mean it as hypocrisy…

If introduced properly it should only increase the update rate of vehicles that are visible and near the field of view through the TGP. There would probably need to be an equation made that would connect the rate of updates to the range from them and the magnification at which they are being viewed. It would probably look something like this R - being rate of updates, d - distance, M - magnification: R = M/d. Of course upper and lower bounds could be applied to the update rate, as well as multipliers to change how changes in distance and magnification affect the rate of updates. That way if the magnification increases the rate of updates increases, as the distance decreases the rate of updates goes up too. This way it wouldn’t really hinder performance outside of the TGP, while the performance loss would be minimal and the visibility gain maximal.

I have no idea how the game is coded and how the rate of updates changes so this could not work in WT at all, if it even works this way

it will. not long ago I think, 2-3years? gaijin extend the render distance to 20km, before that, only about 12km I think, and it did influence a lot

Are we gon get more range on the TGP’s soon?

I’ve been going nuts trying to figure out why my GROM-2s have been flying off to who knows where. Thank you for this post. Hope they get it sorted soon.

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GPS munitions should be limited only by guidance time and energy

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