2 months no response from gaijin

B-29 Guns missing CCIP // Gaijin.net // Issues

B-29 still not fixed after years of bug reports.


Not a feature in WT currently, so that’d have to be added as a feature first, then that bug could be fixed.
So of course no response. Also 2 months ago, not years.


What? In what world is me wanting a new feature for WT defending the current state of the game?
The fact you claim all devs are lazy isn’t helpful…

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If its not a feature then the report should at least get a ‘not a bug’ tag

You haven’t quite said that
I’m sorry but I can’t see in that post of yours that you specifically say you want that feature.
Why do you always go defensive?


I see movement all the time.
Just as I see Eagle Dynamics moving forward.
Cause I don’t blind myself with countless inaccuracies, I cherish the knowledge of progress in both DCS and WT.
War Thunder’s new replay system surpasses that of DCS’s next major update.
A much needed addition to War Thunder.

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But it still doesn’t clear it up.
The way I understand what you wrote is:
It’s not a feature currently so it would have to be added first in order to get bug reported

Nowhere does it say “I would like to see that feature added”

Being logical is the best thing to be.
No one’s gaslighting though, especially not developers that keep things close.
HeatBlur is DCS’s equvialent to Gaijin Entertainment.
Focused, secretive, only brings out information when necessary.

Employees of Gaijin have icons next to their name.
In-case someone tries to gaslight you that anyone without such icons are employees.

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and you’re wrong again, radar is in the game, and so is ccip

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I’m probably going to sound as devil’s advocate here
While yes, both of those features are in game
The gunners specifically do not in fact have that feature yet

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A lot more needs to be in-game to allow multiple guns to have proper gun lead for multi-gun systems.

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Not really (as I see it)
The gunners simply follow your cursor on where to aim
All that (useful?) feature would add would be a lead indicator for where to put your cursor (read as “where your gunners should aim”)

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I’m glad you admit Eagle Dynamics and Gaijin Entertainment are unbiased.
Yes, there are thousands of bugs in both DCS and War Thunder, this is well known.

Also straight up neglecting official sources with values
ahem Stinger and Mistral overload devblog ahem

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Lets start this off with the lack of course material. Youtube IS NOT a reputable source. Gaijin like when actual tangible information is given, aka manuals, technical data, and the like. Reason why is because manuals from manufacturers aren’t wrong, videos explaining things can be.

The AN/MPQ-13 is a bombing/navigational radar, not a search/track targeting radar. It is used for scanning the ground to make bombing from high altitude more accurate. It does not provide targeting data for incoming aircraft. This radar doesn’t need to be added as a feature because the current level bomber sights take all of the effort out of high altitude bombing, as it is point and click.

The gunsight video explains it pretty simply. The operator had to make range inputs to the gunsight for it to calculate anything properly. It was NOT radar guided, not that the AN/MPQ-13 could do so anyway.

The reason this hasn’t been “fixed” is because you have mixed up a bombing radar and computer assisted remote gunsights with radar guided guns. You are not correct with your inital claim that it had radar guided guns that calculated lead/drop automatically. This is the reason why Gaijin reviews things in detail.


Being lazy is not the same as a feature not existing. Is it defending Gaijin to state the fact that a feature is currently not in the game?

i’m talking about other bugs that been for months if not years that not been fixed, like the abrams turret ring and a whole other stuff.

Look no further than Puma IFV

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You think Gaijin is lazy? Please explain to me how a company with less than 500 employees, not at all of which are developers, can just bow to the whims of every single little tiny thing that this community thinks up instantly and without error. Warthunder alone is a massive game, over 100gb for the Ultra HQ client, and it has alot of complicated things going on. They are providing constant hotfixes and minor/major updates, adding new vehicles and features, trialing new features, and actively fixing problems. Does this take time? Yes, and they only have so many employees on the Warthunder team with a finite amount of time each week to be productive. Look at Activision/Blizzard, they have 30 times the amount of employees, and they can’t even keep the Call of Duty franchise worth playing.

I say this to defend Gaijin, 100 percent. This community does nothing but shit on them, even though Warthunder, Enlisted, and Crossout are popular titles, and they have made around 30 titles. I would assume that everyone who complains about Gaijin’s practices also run a video game company perfectly, and if notnat least does whatever job they hold perfectly. They aren’t perfect, not at all, but they surely don’t deserve to get shit on like they do.


“Every player that criticizes War Thunder are Gaijin employees.” lol
Stop with the low-quality gaslighting.