2 cm Flak 38 auf VW Typ 82 Kübelwagen

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I would like to suggest this Kübelwagen armed with a (in comparisson to the car) HUGE 2 cm Flak 38 L/65. While maybe with a low ammo amount (not so much of a problem with Ammo crate), it would be a small nimble car, with lots of firepower and maybe the closest to a barebone 2 cm Flak 38 L/65 that was used in mass like the US Cal. .50 HMG we could see in game and similar to Willys MB (M2HB).

Overall the vehicle appears to be mostly unmodified, except for cutouts in the side walls over the backwheels to the front and removed door parts, where 2 of the 3 legs of the are bigger than the car and rest on the back fenders while the 3rd leg sits to the right of the driver. Ammo is possibly stored to the right of the driver and below the gun to the back. A crew of 3 (tho in game most likely only 2) can be seen.

On the pictures, the 2 looks slightly different from each other (no headlights on one, the other doesnt have the spare wheel on the front, the gun looks higher on one, it could also be just 1 vehicle with further modifications along its life as well as just camera perspective.

Its history is unknown, excpet that on one of the pictures with a french Sign it is written “Nachlaß Heinz Sander (Ers. Abt. fr. mot. Aufkl. Einh. 3, Lehrgang f. Truppern. Ing.” Which free translated means, that it was a picture from Heinz Sander about the Scout troops 3.

Pictures:(Click to show)


More to it is not know to me, so here continued history of the vehicle:
The VW Typ 82 Kübelwagen was a development on the Civil “Kraft durch Freude” (KdF-Wagen), which never went into big production. But was used by Officers. Duo to war situation and the required materials only after the war, the vehicle came in its civil variant. The VW Käfer (Beetle) which was and still is a well known and loved vehicle.

The Kübelwagen was a simple and robus designed vehicle. Even tho it didnt have all wheel drive, it was very good off road and used an aircooled engine. As such it was used by the Wehrmacht and SS even under adverse cicumstances.

The name Kübelwagen is from its deep seats, which shape resembling a Kübel (Bucket), which were put into many military vehicles. These seats were designed to keep the crew inside even on rough terrain. As such the name Kübelwagen doesnt just name the VW Typ 82, but generally a wide family of vehicles. Tho inofficially the name became the model name for the VW Typ 82, even tho it doesnt even have the correct seats, just some that looked very similar.

The 2 cm Flak was a prewar standart small caliber AA and general purpose gun. Similar in usage and amount to the US Cal. .50, it was also used similar, as well as AT and Anti infantry, where it proofed its worth. It was a long development, which started in late 1920s when Rheinmetall bought the facade company Solothurn to start their own development of ammo and guns outside germany. Which resulted in the Rheinmetall S-18/1000 and 20x138mmB Rheinmetall ammo, which was intended as a AT and AA round. Used by multiple nations across the war, it proofed its power.

Aiming angles should be -20° to + 90°, 360° traverse, depending maybe the driver will be slightly in the way.

The Gun:

20mm Flak 30/38 L/65
Picture Flak 30:


Picture Flak 38:

Picture Gebirgsflak 38:

The Gebirgsflak 38 is a lightweight version, which can be disassebled into 3 pieces to carry it by 3 solders.

The Mounting is also lightweight and has increased vertical traverse for fighting in the mountains.


Picture Flakvierling 38:


Ill put these 2 together cince they have the same L/65 barrle and the same 20x138mm ammo.

Caliber: 20mm

Ammo: 20x138mmB Rheinmetall

Fire Rate: 280 rpm (30) 480 rpm (38)

Magazinfed 20 rounds

Muzzle velocity: 830-1050 m/s (Different Wartime Loadings 148g Pzgr may also be 800m/s for L/65)

Weight: 450kg (30) 405(38) (around 64 and 56 kg KwK (30 and 38) alone)
1509kg (Vierling with trailer)

Flak 30 Lafette: -12°/-10° to +90°
Flak 38 Lafette: -20° to +90°
Flakvierling 38: -10° to +100°

Ammo Types: ApI-T, Aphe-T, APCR-T, He-I, HeI-T and HeI-T (m) (And self destruct)


Pzgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Ph.) (ApI-T) 0,148kg 830m/s 40mm/10m

Note: Used against ground targets. Soft and armored. 3g White Phosphor Core.
Were fully replaced by the empty ones and later .Zerl in the Desert and other hot places, as the Phostphor had a nasty tendicy to self ignite in hot weather.
The Ph. marked ones were standart with the filler, however they also existed with an O. which indicated they didnt have a filler and were only 143g (and 835-840m/s).
Screenshot 2024-06-02 184250
Screenshot 2024-06-02 183231

Pzgr. L'Spur zerl. (Aphe-T Sd) 0,148 kg 830m/s 2,4g Pent 37mm/10m

NOTE: Against ground and air tragets. Soft and armored.
It does NOT have a fuze, the filler is for self destruction, in game it would also explode upon impact when shattering, like the japanese 30mm Aphe.
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134646

Pzgr.40 L`Spur. o.Zerl. (HVAP-T) 0,100kg 1050m/s 62g core 12x45mm 50mm/10m

Note: Only used against heavy armored targets, where the standart Ap ammo does not penetrate.
(There were 3-4 generations, with ever increasing length and slightly weight, to improve stability.)
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134609
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134620

Pzsprgr. L'Spur o.Zerl. (Aphe-T) 0,148 kg 830m/s 3,6g Pent 35mm/10m

Note: Mainly (?) used by the Navy and only against ground targets.

Screenshot 2024-04-08 201437

Pzsprgr. L'Spur m.Zerl. (Aphe-T Sd) 0,121 kg 900m/s 3,6g Pent 33mm/10m

Note: Mainly (?) used by the Navy and against ground and air targets.
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134808
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134804

(This last picture is an adaption for the Mg151/20 and uses a different shorter tracer, which results in it beeing also a bit lighter)


Sprgr. L`Spur. m.Zerl. (Hef-T Sd.) 0,120kg 900m/s 6,2g Pent (10,54g) 5mm/10m

Screenshot 2024-05-10 000937

Sprgr. Erd. o.L'Spur. o.Zerl. (Hef) 0,120kg 900m/s 11g Pent (18,7g)

Note: Only against groundtargets. Other name is Spr.Gr.39.
(Couldnt find the correct drawing, the Br.Sprgr. o.L’Spur is basically the same, just different filler with Zink.
Screenshot 2023-09-06 122928
sprgr erd
Screenshot 2024-06-02 183422

Brsprgr. L'Spur m.Zerl. (Hefi-T Sd.) 0,120kg 900m/s 6,6g H.5 and Aluminium


Brsprgr. vk. L'Spur m.Zerl (Hefi-T Sd.) 0,120kg 900m/s 19g H.5 and Zink

Note: Against Air and Ground targets, reduced tracer length for increased filler. The full feight of the H.5 and Zink mixture is 19g, not the pure He filler.
(first drawing is either a earlier model or a slighly too short drawn capacity.)
(This italian drawing is more representative.)
Screenshot 2024-05-31 173318
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134851

Brsprgr. o.L'Spur. m.Zerl. (Hef-I Sd.) 0,120kg 900m/s 20g H.5 and Zink

Note: Against ground and air targets. No tracer at all to have a fully capacity He (H.5) and Incendary (Zink) mix. (Weight calculated by Killakiwi 7g H.5 13g Zink)
Screenshot 2023-09-06 122928
Screenshot 2024-04-19 134832


M-Gesch. X m.Zerl (He-I (m) Sd.) 0,104kg 950m/s 25g HA 41 (40g)

Screenshot 2024-04-19 132439

M-Gesch. X L'Spur m.Zerl (HeI-T (m) Sd.) 0,109kg 950m/s 24g HTA

Screenshot 2024-04-19 134912

The Vehicle:

The Vehicle:
Kübelwagen VW Typ 82
Produced from 1940-1945
Engine: Aircooled 4 Cylinder Boxermotor 25 Ps (from 03.1943 onwards)
Speed: 80 km/h
Weight: 715-1160 kg
Produced: 50.788

Handbuch des Kübelwagen VW Typ 82
Munition der 2 cm Flak
W 127 Dokumentation
Private gallery/Internet/Ebay


hehe low tier german fox


As a joke, is this an AS42 but built by Germany?



+1 This thing needs to get put down…

What a goober. I predict an immense amount of low-tier chaos from this. +1

Car wit gun, +1

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I can’t wait to finally give my coaxial machine guns a purpose!