2,5 cm Pak 112(f) L/72 auf Universal Carrier (e)

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I would like to suggest the 2,5 cm Pak 112(f) L/72 auf Universal Carrier as it was used by the german army in north africa around 1942.

It doesnt really have a history beyond that after the fall of France lots of different war material such as trucks, cars, tanks and guns fell into german hands. Such as the 2,5 cm SA 34 or what it was called in german service 2,5 cm Pak 112(f). While it was relatively powerfull for its time and a threat to most tanks, it was allready quite outdated around 1942, having only normal Ap shots available and no He rounds, which generally restricted its universal use as an AT and anti infantry gun. For such reasons as well as to increase its AT performance, later the 6,6 cm Schießbecher Hl Gr. 43 originally for the 2 cm Flak was adopted to the 2,5 cm Pak 112(f) acting also as a He ersatz.

The vehicle was also captured in greater numbers and used for a multiture of uses, from its original purpose as troop carrier, ammo carrier as well as equipped with a bunch of different guns such as Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck, 2 cm Flaks, 3,7 cm Pak, 4,7 cm Pak and the 2,5 cm Pak 112(f).

Generally small, light armored and mobile it will offer a mobile playstile, to get into ideal positions fast and destroy attacking enemies with the rather high velocity gun.

Pictures: (Click to show)


(Recaptured by the british)

The Vehicle:
Weight Loaded: 3.75 ton
Weight unloaded: 3.19 t
Length: 3.65 m
Width: 2.06 m
Height: 1.57 m
Crew: 3
Engine: 3.9-litre Ford V8 petrol
Eigne Power: 85 hp at 3,500 rpm
Suspension: Horstmann
Fuel capacity: 91 L
Operational range: 250 km
Maximum speed: 48 km/h
Armour: 7–10 mm

The Gun:
2,5 cm Pak 112(f)
-5 to + 15° elevation, +/-30° Traverse at ~30°/sec speed.
Unknown amount of ammo, tho it would be stacked in the back in their own transport boxes.
Game play perspective only 1 round will be available, sadly no He rounds did exist.

However, by a german document, there was a 6,6 cm Heat round and more.(Click to show)



Pzgr. 122(f) APC 0,32kg 950m/s 71mm/10m
(In game the round is only 0,31kg, idk.)

Picture of German Ammo Chart: (Click to show)

Here is some more info on 6,6 cm Hl Grenades. 6,6 cm HlGr 43

Kennblätter fremden geräts heft 8a, Munition bis 3,6 cm
Universal Carriers Volume 1: Dragon – Armoured MG – Cavalry – Scout – AOP – Bren – Lloyd – Universal
The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II: The Comprehensive Guide to Over 1,500 Weapons Systems, Including Tanks, Small Arms, Warplanes, Artillery, Ships and Submarines


Its certainly a creature, I love it

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Cute! +1

L3, ASU-57 and AMR 35 ZT-3 had a German cousin haha, +!