Would you guys/gals like a gamemode in the format of 1v1s or 2v2s for air and ground RB if it was well implemented, I feel like it would have a good fun factor and good casual grinding potential if the multipliers were balanced, of course they would have to add some sort of different balancing to prevent imbalance, I’d love to hear y’all’s opinions on this type of gamemode and balancing ideas
Sad thing is that we already have all of those and much more, but gaijin doesn’t make them available to play. The only way is for custom matches but obviously, you can’t progress in those.
By having everyone playing the same stuff/maps at the same time interval, they cut on hamster expenses.
yeah all they would have to do is bring back the tournament modes with a bit of a diffrent formula, make the tanks and planes in it rotate on a daily basis and it would be good in my opinion
Both phrases are absolutely incompatible from each other.
A basic rule in videogames is that, the more players in a lobby, more casual and less sweaty the experience becomes. 1v1s and 2v2s will inevitably become a tryhard wasteland, it is the nature of small lobbies in every single videogame having a pvp factor.
Hence why they exist, yet they’re not available for grinding. It’s a tryhard-friendly environment that does NOT offer a better grinding experience as bigger lobbies, yet they drag a increase in toxicity and really few upsides like the increase of RP modifiers for said modes (which doesn’t guarantee a better grind).
I think a 1 v 1 or 2 v 2 game mode should really be reserved for tournaments.
Not saying i like 16 vs 16. For some modes and maps thats just waaaaaaaaayyyyy too much. 8 vs 8 to 12 vs 12 would be good so long as they make sure squads face squads.
The current game modes really suck. They’re very limiting and really are just for quick-match PVP players.
In my opinion, there’s nothing wrong in giving people more options, even if said options were a bit less efficient for grinding.
But gaijin is incredibly lazy or lackluster when it comes to gameplay variety and balancing. They are only good for pumping new vehicle content.
And i don’t have either, yet…
…This is mostly a guess on what people would like to play in order to get the vehicle they want, we can’t precisely know if a decent chunk of the community is willing to give up a potential grind performance for a —not guaranteed— better time. lvl 30s buying premium vehicles are a strong testament on how people is willing to rush to their favorite vehicle.
And i can just agree on this, period.
Considering how close the game is on both air and ground technologically to IRL, we can only hope they shift their focus towards a better play experience throughout the ranks, but it’s mostly wishful thinking.
i was thinking more casual as in slower paced however you still have a good point, but any game with pvp elements is gonna have try hards, i was thinking more of a CS2 wingman or CoD gunfight type of expierience, something you could que up with a friend for some fun, the game has a lot of unutilised potential in the gamemode department in my opinion, probably cause pepole just mostly focus on grinding and the current formula is somewhat the most optimised for that however not entirely most optimised for enjoyability
didnt they add an option to opt into smaller sized lobbies and it just doesnt do anything? they really should do something with that, maybe put the 16v16 into EC maps and save the smallers ones for 8v8
Yeah all of those option buried check boxes never work well because most players just dont know about the option.
16 v 16 is just far too much for top tier air.
The main issue is that the smaller teams option just means you have a small chance to get into one if by coincidence there are plenty of players available with the same option and the matchmaker doesn’t throw them into a normal 16v16 match first to make all the other people start a match ASAP.
Gaijin, If I toggle the thingy ON. I want ONLY to join small matches, I don’t care how long I’ll have to wait, just let me get into one. If I don’t want the potential longer waiting, I can disable it whenever.
yeah they basically added those to somewhat satisfy pepole who want smaller games, but it just doesnt work so pepole forgot about it, they really should do something with it or just seperate 16v16 with smaller games via gamemodes
I would love a mode like that, but some aircraft just aren’t suited to 1v1 / 2v2 style combat unfortunately. Would be a cool mode to have maybe seasonally? Lots of Br ranges have a clearly dominant aircraft for the 1v1, and that would make a duel mode a bit of a bore. Like imagine playing 4.0, Bf-109 F4 vs a VB10-01. Not a fun matchup, which is important for a mode like this.
That doesnt really Matters tho, if you play a 2v2 Air mode, you dont do it to grind, you do it to have fun, just like in COD the 2v2 mode is not there to farm points how the PVPVE are there, is to challenge your skills and maybe have a fun time with a friend.
we already get that in SA servers from 7am-1pm NZ time…
they could just do it like it was done in the tournaments mode where both players are restricted to the same aircraft
That’s not what OP said in the first place.
There’s no point on actively tryharding in War Thunder outside tournaments, given how the game’s meta works. If i’m going to queue up for a ARB 2v2, i’m never going to pick up any Tornado (not even the F.3s) due to how subpar is to even its peers.
It’s the same story as SBMM: it won’t address any core issue at all, and it’ll potentially frustrate a decent chunk of the playerbase.
There is a point on Tryharding in WT, its called fun, and there is a point on choosing a non meta plane in a 2v2 its called giving yourself a challenge. YK this kind of response is Gaijins fault for making the grind so hard that people enter this “grind only” mentality and refuse to play anything fun if its not a super efficient way to grind to shitty top tier. I think a 2v2 Ranked mode would be very fun if not only a distraction from normal RB (yes im talking a separate mode from normal Grind RB)
Unless you’ve been living under a rock or either being gaslighted to oblivion, the reality also is that tryhards enjoy way less the games they play compared to even casual and average players, yet they’re passionate on what they perform. Mainly due to their technical approach to mechanics and min-max.
I’m not a fan of Gaijin’s way of dealing with the current ARB/GRB situation either, you don’t need to portray me as a snail’s shill that pretends to hold the current statu quo to make a counterargument.
Ranked 1v1s and 2v2s will just fill a niche requirement by a minority of the playerbase. Finantially that is the only reason Gaijin needs to dismiss it already, but also the introduction of a in-depth ranking system its overkill, you’re asking too much from them realistically speaking.
Ask for better gamemodes within the main queues we have instead of non—productive 1v1/2v2s that can be already done in a custom game, you’re genuinely wasting hopes and dreams on a lost cause by definition.
Ive asked for years to add RB EC, so maybe youre right in the Lost Cause…