+1 for tech tree vehicle at 7.7 with realistic reload rate, the T54E1 was butchered by having its realistic reload rate cut by 2.5x (from 30-35 RPM to ONLY 12 RPM), the US built better oscilatting turret tanks with faster autoloaders than the French which should be reflected in-game (or the French 4s reload should be nerfed to 10s to reflect the T54E1 nerf)
Haven’t used the XM-803 but have both XM-1s and the KPZ-70. The KPZ/MBT-70 is pretty good for 9.3, nearly on par with the XM-1 and more capable than, say, the Leo 1A5. I think the proto-Abrams fit better as premiums than the MBT series. That being said, the three would benefit greatly from an HE shell. Give BONK capabilities with that laser rangefinder.
An absolute +1 from me, It would be nice to eventually see all three of the Oscillating turret Heavy Tanks (ie T57, T58, and T77) in-game at some point in the US Heavy Line.
It would be a OP tank
Armor not that great tho.
Yeah sure if they throw it at 5.0 lmao
There’s this thing called higher battle ratings that, when a strong vehicle gets put at a higher battle rating, it suddenly won’t be as “OP.” Shocking concept, I know
The thing called HEAT shell coming at your turret:
Btw this NEEDS to be TT since they already made the T54E1 premium. I’d be so mad if it ends up being a premium or event vehicle. Too many recently added cool prototype vehicles endee up being premium and it’s a shame cause 1. Not many people can play and enjoy them 2. There’s less diversity in the matches since everyone plays always the same vehicles or slight variations of it. While this thing would totally be unique and somewhat similar to the french Surbaissé (which was also a prototype but was put in the TT, while the Surblindé, arguably the better version of it ended up being an event vehicle)
some one is salty
Imagine an M103 with 155mm 23RPM at 7.7 lol
Got my own personal stalker-simp, nice!
Every thread i see you in you have some sort of bad take
Ok wise guy thanks
Yeah no problem always looking to help out o7
Incredible tank, 1+
Would be cool to see
US is my third tier (France and UK being 1 and 2) but I would still like seeing this. +1
Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.