Cant believe we got the copy slop American spg before this iconic ww2 vehicle…
Nope I think they prefer suggestions from staff because they are generally easy to add variants. I am not joking by the way.
They haven’t been giving low tier much love even though that’s where most of the players are and where most of them enjoy the game.
Not where the most money gets spent tho, tons of players play low tiers for free, they get to higher tiers and get stuck in the grind and either pay or leave (only a minority keeps playing without paying)
I’ve found some pictures of the Hummel just to add on to the post, there were more, but they were mostly of abandoned or destroyed ones.
Thats true… its sad because low tier is easily the most fun part of the game.
Could make a nice premium, the one with the Muzzle.
Gotta disagree with you there. Peak is at cold-war, not lowtier.
Sorry you feel that way once everything gets stabs is when the game takes a nose dive for me.
Not just tested, it was in production and frontline use to my knowlege. Same for the 10,5/7,5 cm Pzgr. Ts for the 10,5 cm StuH 42 and LeFH 18.
I cant find any information on these rounds so I have no idea if that is true.
Not only tested but it was actually in production for heavy 150mm howitzers. Which gives it basically Tiger 1 penetration.
Hope this is not off topic but I would love to see all post war Artillery replaced below 6BR with a WW2 variant if possible.I would like to see WW2 preserved below 6.0 at least and even 7 if it were possible.
So many of Ghostmaxi’s suggestions should be in the game. Still a huge amount of love for WW2 German armour and WW2 in general.
Like I said I cant find any information on these rounds so, I have no idea if this is true. If you would give me an article of this being used I would be grateful. (I’ve already looked)
True it wouldn’t be that hard realistic Germany had a few, America had a few. Even Russia had the su 152.
and about 12 years after this thing.
A Hummel would have fit Germany so much better than the M44.
I don’t want any M44 in my German tech tree. At least not anywhere near my WW2 tanks.
No, only one. We seriously do NOT need more copy paste. M109 and M44 should be removed from all non-American TTs and replaced with equivelents for each nation.
Imo, Hummel should be added to 4.0, and the M44 moved up to 5.7 or 6.0