11.3 Premium vehicles broke top tier

11.3 ground premium Vehicles completely broke top tier.

Games nowdays are just full of the T80UE´s, Leopard 2A4M´s etc. its one of the worst top tier experiences i have had in years. People with lvl 30 are buying their way to top tier.

Top tier should be something that you reach after a lot of work put into the game. And should not be accesible with 70€.

In Ground rb you rely on teammates, but these lvl 30 have absuletely no experience with the game, so they´ll most of the time die in the first 2 minutes and then leave making the top tier experience even more frustrating.


Truth. Gaijin did it to pump up their revenue after last year’s revisions to the game economy. Fact of the matter is that top tier is the new reserve with shitters filling out teams.


Yeah, remember that time when they said “we won’t make top rank premiums available ever, because that defeats the point of the grind”

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Unless Gaijin makes grinding it out an attractive solution, it will continue to happen

It gives them money. They don’t care. Nothing will change.

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Not actually when the premium counterparts are worse or the same bad as the tech tree.

During sales you also get to eat more feeder foods bro, because feeders doesn’t always be your teammates, sometimes they are in the enemy team bro

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A lot of things are subject to change so anything they say is not permanent.

On the bright side, you should be grinding easier than they do due to the fact that they have no idea what they are doing. They are food for us experienced players and easy games. Even if they are on my side, cant forget they also exist on enemies side. So if anything, should be having better games unless your skill level isn’t there yet.

Yes, you can get easier win (IF you are in a proper team), BUT you will get less RP, because there is less targets for you to kill when teams evaporate after one death.

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Part of reality. In real war, when experienced soldiers are dead or wounded, also unexperienced soldiers fight…

Air realistic:
Снимок экрана (2850)

I dont get it, your problem is inexperience players in top tire vehicles they bought with their own money, being free kill for veterans like you who play it and actually have complete line up and not just one really bad premium overpriced tank???

If you mean “they just die and I love game” then play with squad and you good. Like I dont see why you all “cry” so much about premium vehicles, they are trash you can barely grind anything in them and they cost 70euros… Like I dont get it…

Top tier premiums are only part of a bigger problem.

Top tier 2018:

  • Diverse vehicles on both sides.
  • Big maps.
  • Game lasted even full 45 minutes because people had full lineups and mild ticket bleed.
  • Skill matters, everyone worked their way to the top.
  • No OP guided munitions.
  • No thermals.
  • No helicopters.
  • No OP SPAA (people could enjoy planes without being too obnoxious to tankers)

Top tier 2024:

  • Teams consist only of 1 type of premium vehicle, no diversity.
  • Small maps castrated even further by red zones.
  • Game is over within 5 minutes because everyone ODL and even if players won’t leave, the ticket bleed is so severe that +10 minute games are extremely rare.
  • Skill doesn’t matter, everyone bought their way to the top.
  • OP guided munitions.
  • Thermals.
  • Helicopter spam at the start of the match.
  • Pantsir creating a no-fly zone for NATO pilots.

I used to enjoy top tier combined battles RB as my main mode in WT back in 2016-2018. I have spent alot of money on the game in this time frame (1000EUR+) because it was quite fun. When helicopters arrived and Gaijin left them reign terror unopposed for 6 months, it made me ragequit uninstall the game for 2 years. AH-1 hovering 8km away launching ATGM’s when the best SPAA had a range of 3km. And then on top of that they added FJ-4B with bullpups in a completely broken state. The USA steamrolling every game… yeah… I wasn’t having it.

I came back in 2021 and top tier was in an even worse state than when I left. ODL, helicopters even more OP - Ka(ncer)-50 / 52… I no longer play above 9.0 due to reasons listed above. The game is still kinda fun between 3.0-8.7 bar the castrated maps, severe ticket bleed and reduced match timer from 45m to 25m which are my biggest gripes.

Top tier preiums or not, there is no solution other than to scrap the mode completely and make a new one completely from scratch.


Which reminds me this:


Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 10-01-10 How progression and economy is built in F2P games and War Thunder in particular - News - War Thunder

And this:




How progression and economy is built in F2P games and War Thunder in particular - News - War Thunder


Some are some aren’t.

I assume this is about GRB, but we have larger maps than we did in 2018. Most of the largest maps didn’t exist until more recently.

Even then, most of the map changes aren’t all that bad. Some changes like American Desert, or the big Tunisia changes were bad, but some were great like the Mozdok, Carpathians, and Sands of Sinai changes.

From what I’ve heard, it isn’t that hard to dodge.

Hard to dodge or not, it´s not fun having to fly constantly at tree tops level, when Russians can just fly around in their Mig 29´s and Su 27´s at any altitude and dictate terms of engagement, because NATO doesn´t have a capable SPAA.

Last time I played top tier, I got sniped by Pantsir on Novo map 34km away from AO while having an interesting dogfight in my German Mig 29. After that I just gave up on top tier completely. No point in playing a one sided broken game.

The problem is not the enemy, its the teammates. They leave after one death, leaving experienced players carrying the game, which can be fun, but most of the time it isnt especially if you´re targeted by cas.

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