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I would like to suggest the 10,5 cm LeFH 16 L/22 auf Geschützwagen Mk.VI (e),
in the invation of France a lot of equipment of both french and british origin were left behind and in typical german fashion, all thats not very good will be repurposed and modified, such as this.
6 british Mk. VI light tanks were rebuild to have the WW1 10,5 cm LeFH 16 L/22 in an open compartment.
They were (tho yet without armor) allready build in June of 1940. Their purpose was close infatry support and they were as well quite potent against enemy tanks, with exception to the later and heavyer ones.
They where put in 2 platoons of 3 with the 15th Artillerie Regiment with the 226th Infanterie Division.
While there where mainly infantry support some took a more offencive path, where they showed their own drawbacks of beeing light relativly thinn armored tanks, which ended rather badly for them.
The same Hull is in game, the first AA in the British tree.
Pictures:(Click to show)
Armor thickness from 11-22mm (and more with the overlapping parts)
Crew of 4
Weight: 6.5 Tons
Engine: Meadows 6 cylinder gasoline/petrol engine, 88 hp
Top speed: 56 kmh
The Gun, 10,5 cm LeFH 16 L/22 and GP/AA Mg 34
Elevation: -7° (or -5°) to +40°, 10-15° to each side, with 20-30 rounds, a bit faster reload than the in game StuH 42 so around 9 sec or faster for ballancing.
Ammo:(Click to show)
Pzgr. (Aphe) 14 kg 238g (304,64g aquivalent) filler 404 m/s 56mm/10m
Pzgr. Rot (Apcbc) 15,56 kg 250g (357,5g) 391 m/s 64mm/10m
Gr.39 Rot Hl/B (Heat) 12,35 kg 2,53 kg filler aquivalent 420 m/s 105mm/all
(More Pictures in Hl/C)
Gr.39 Rot Hl/C (Heat) 12,35 kg 2,53 kg filler aquivalent 420 m/s 115mm/all
F.H. Gr. (He (TF)) 14,81 kg 1,75 kg filler Fp.02 und Np.10 (2,24 kg TnTa) 397 m/s
Lg.F.H. Gr. (He) 15,6 kg 2 kg Fp.60/40 391 m/s
(Possibly could also have a higher charge.)
C-Geschoss (He) 15,5 - 15,6 kg 1,5-1,9 kg Fp.60/40 + 150g Picrin Acid 427 m/s
Maybe used with higher charge, like the F.H.Gr. Fern.
F.H. Gr. Nb. (Smoke) 14 kg 50g smokestuff 404 m/s
Kt. (Canitster Shot) 15 kg 395 m/s
H.Schr.16 (Shrapnell-TF) 15,6 kg 0,2 kg Blackpowder 391m/s
450 Steelballs of 13,8mm
Some incendary effect by the pitch around the balls.
Brandgranate (Incendary-Shrapnell-TF) 15 kg 165g Blackpowder 395 m/s
3 rows of 3 cylinders 70x21mm or 4 cylinders 65x20mm of 280g
Munition der LeFH 16
Notes on German Shells 1918
Beutepanzer unterm Balkenkreuz by Dr. Werner
Beute-Kraftfahrzeuge und panzer der deutschen Wehrmacht by Walter J. Spielberger