- Yes
- No
The need for more tanks and SPGs was througout the war, after France fell a good amount of material was captured, beeing outdated and not suitable for combat (because of the very weak Sa 18), many tanks were converted to open topped TD or SPGs such as this one. Instead of a big horse limber with many men (while beeing still slow) this modified vehicle gave some new mobility to the 10,5 cm LeFH 16 L/22. This vehicle would add a gun to the game which is in a stronger form as its older brother as the StuH 42 allready in game, so appart from a lower velocity it will allready be familiar to the veterans and a good start and switch form the 7,5 cm KwK 37 L/24 to the StuH 42 as it sits about in the middle of them velocity wise. Furthermore the normal french tank is also in game so if you want you can drive it around a bit and get a feeling of how it would feel (except with FAR greater firepower, on the cost of having less armor).
For its place in game as allready sayed above it would give a performance inbetween and also would further differentiate the game as well as adding a fun medium derp gun with an usable punch to it.
A total number of 8-12 were build and where send to the Artillerie Batallion on the 31st of October 1942.
Pictures:(Click to show)
The vehicle is also in its tank form allready in game.
Length: 4.60m (4.46m without the gun barrel)
Width: 2.14m
Height: 2.15 m
Total weight, Fully Loaded, is 12.2 tons
Crew 4 (commander, driver, gunner, loader)
Engine: Berliet MDP V-4 diesel engine, 91 hp
Top road speed: 24 km/h
Main Armament: 10,5 cm leFH 16 L/22 howitzer with 37-50 rounds
Secondary Armament: 7.92 mm MG 34 machine gun
Hull Armor Front: 25-40 mm
Sides and Rear: 20 mm
Upper Armor Front: 15 mm (up to 30mm at the overlapping parts)
Sides: 15 mm
Rear: 15 mm
The Gun, 10,5 cm LeFH 16 L/22
Elevation: -7° (or -5°) to +40°, 10-15° to each side, with 37-50 rounds, a bit faster reload than the in game StuH 42 so around 9 sec or faster for ballancing.
Ammo:(Click to show)
Pzgr. (Aphe) 14 kg 238g (304,64g aquivalent) filler 404 m/s 56mm/10m
Pzgr. Rot (Apcbc) 15,56 kg 250g (357,5g) 391 m/s 64mm/10m
Gr.39 Rot Hl/B (Heat) 12,35 kg 2,53 kg filler aquivalent 420 m/s 105mm/all
(More Pictures in Hl/C)
Gr.39 Rot Hl/C (Heat) 12,35 kg 2,53 kg filler aquivalent 420 m/s 115mm/all
F.H. Gr. (He (TF)) 14,81 kg 1,75 kg filler Fp.02 und Np.10 (2,24 kg TnTa) 397 m/s
Lg.F.H. Gr. (He) 15,6 kg 2 kg Fp.60/40 391 m/s
(Possibly could also have a higher charge.)
C-Geschoss (He) 15,5 - 15,6 kg 1,5-1,9 kg Fp.60/40 + 150g Picrin Acid 427 m/s
Maybe used with higher charge, like the F.H.Gr. Fern.
F.H. Gr. Nb. (Smoke) 14 kg 50g smokestuff 404 m/s
Kt. (Canitster Shot) 15 kg 395 m/s
H.Schr.16 (Shrapnell-TF) 15,6 kg 0,2 kg Blackpowder 391m/s
450 Steelballs of 13,8mm
Some incendary effect by the pitch around the balls.
Brandgranate (Incendary-Shrapnell-TF) 15 kg 165g Blackpowder 395 m/s
3 rows of 3 cylinders 70x21mm or 4 cylinders 65x20mm of 280g
(One cource states that the muzzle break was mounted, to use the 6th charge of the LeFH 18, but i couldnt find stats to the better performance, while it would work, duo to useing the same casings, the barrle is with L/22 shorter than the L/28 barrle)
Munition der LeFH 16
Encyclopedia of German Tanks of World War Two, Peter Chamberlain and Hilary Doyle
German Artillery at War 1939-45 vol.1 by Frank V. de Sisto