ZSU-37-2 should go to br 8.0

ZSU-37-2 should go to br 8.0. It is definitely a better SPAA and TD than the M163, has stabilization, good rate of fire, penetration and radar. In addition, it has a much greater range of effective fire than the 20mm cannon of the M163.
Definitely, these two SPAAs should not be on the same br, the ZSU-37-2 is simply better, so it should be higher.

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Both the ZSU-37-2 and the 23-4 is both shit though, the bullets scatter all over the place even when spaded, and expert crews, I mean how is it so bad compare to Gepard or Falcon in term of gun accuracy.


At the moment I have only tried the ZSU-37-2, and I have to admit that radar shooting is extremely inaccurate, you shoot down planes simply with luck, you can perfectly shoot 150 bullets at a plane at 1.4km without changing course And don’t hit a single bullet, or shoot at an almost static helicopter and don’t hit it when it’s 1.5 km away, it’s just horrible, from experience the VADS is much better.


LOL I didn’t have such problems, especially on the ZSU-23-4,
In general, shooting aircraft with this type of SPAA is not super easy because it is not always enough to aim at the target and shoot where the circle shows, you have to do it from a relatively close distance.
In fact, I played them, I don’t even remember when, but I know that they are cancerous in tank battles, especially the ZSU-37-2.
BR 8.0 would simply be more adequate than 7.7 where it can still hit planes from the WW2 period.

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i play them quite a lot and the spread is what makes them effective against planes
the spread makes a cloud of lead directly in the plane’s direction put when it comes to mobility and fire power against other tanks it’s kinda meh for the zsu23-4 and alright for the zsu37-2
it has the same pen as most 37mm AA’s and the targetting system is not that great compared to other 8.0 AA’s
i understand it’s frustrating to find a zsu37-2 in a 6.7 match but usualy it’s often played in 8.0 lineups or get uptiered to 8.0 so no real big deal about it
these AA systems are neither bad or OP but they do the job for aerial denial against the ennemy team and are extremely effective against helicopters

The radars are absolutely dogwater too. Poor accuracy, slow search speed and only one radar for track and search.

Edit: didn’t realise this was a 1 year old necro wtf.


damn one year already ??? why did we unburried this thing xd

The biggest problem right now is battle rattings, spaa from the 60s and 70s fighting with planes from the 40s. In addition, gaijin is notoriously pushing post-war spaa to the WW2 era.
They should simply make a period just for balancing the game and add much more brs and also maybe just separate the WW2 and Cold War periods, but of course do it wisely and prototypes or vehicles like the T29 could still be found in the WW2 era and be a counter to the Tiger 2H.

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i heard something like that was planned a while ago but it would be a really good idea (exept for sweeden)

this is absolutely worth 8.3, look at its rivals at near rank. M163: trash rader; falcon: garbage engine and no rader, etc. This is real Russian bias to deploy op vehicles for each rank.