Hi, I was changing the graphics settings because I saw that the game had rtx and I wanted to see the difference. But when I put it on I must have touched something and now I have the camera fixed on top of the tank.
I was looking to change the zoom setting but it doesn’t matter which key assigns that it doesn’t do anything. I also tried to uninstall the game and I didn’t.
I’ve noticed that the keys I put in the zoom don’t do anything, but the trees change texture so something must block it.
It’s as if zoom really exists, but it does absolutely nothing
Try re-setting you controls to default. It will give you the option to when you remove the bindings of something important, like firing the main gun.
Este es el control que te tienes que configurar, está en el apartado de controles → comunes
Si, es que lo ví en muchos sitios y ese control es lo primero que hice, pero no hace nada. Es más me di cuenta que si presiono la tecla seleccionada para esa función los arboles cambian de textura como si estuviera haciendo zoom realmente pero en pantalla no hay nada.
I also did that and nothing.
Have you accidentally changed to SIM in the test drive?
Exit the test drive and change the difficulty. If it is set to sim, then it will lock you to the commander’s view