Zeppelin Staaken R.VI

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The Zeppelin Staaken R.VI was one of the largest German strategic bombers of the first world war. The plane was developed by Alexander Baumann in 1916 and started production by 1917 in the “Flugzeugwerft Staaken” (airplane-manufactory Staaken), near Berlin, under the designation of a “Riesenflugzeug”, a “Giant Plane”, hence the “R” in it’s name.

A total of 18 R.VI’s were adopted by the Luftstreitkräfte (Imperial German airforce) in 1917 under the “Riesenflugzeugabteilung” (Giant Plane Department) as strategic long-range bombers, for conducting bombing raids against Britain and on the western front against French cities and ports. The plane proved quite capable at carrying out such missions, despite it’s overall flimsy appearence. One R.VI reportedly even collided with a barrier-balloon ripwire over southern England and was still able to carry out its mission and came back home.

Compared to the airships, which were also used for bombing-raids by the German Empire, the R-planes as a whole were deemed superior. They were roughly 30% faster than a large military-zeppelin and not filled with explosive gasses, but without the extreme endurance of a zeppelin, still, the maintenance a strategic bomber like the R.VI required, was a fraction of what an airship needed to stay operational, and so, by 1917 the strategic bomber had replaced the zeppelin in the bombing-role, with most zeppelins either being scrapped or handed over to the German navy.

Out of the 18 produced R.VI bombers (not counting any other R-plane variants), only two were lost to British interceptors, and by the end of the war, six were still operational, most having been lost during landing-accidents at night.

By 1919, the remaining R.VI’s were either scrapped, or converted into civillian transport planes and airliners.

Pictures / Blueprints:









Crew: 7 (commander, pilot, co-pilot, radio-operator, three mechanics)

Length: 22,1m

Wingspan of upper wings: 42,2m

Wingspan of lower wings: 41,9m

Height 6,3m

Empty weight: 7680kg

Take-off weight: 11460kg

Max take-off weight: 12250kg

Maximum speed at sea level: 130 km/h

Maximum speed at 1000m: 141 km/h

Cruising speed at 1000m: 120 km/h

Landing-speed: 95 km/h

Climb-speed: 1,55m/s

Service-ceiling: 3800m

Combat-radius: At least 550km

Endurance: 7-10h

Oil: 200 liters

Fuel: 1940 liters

Engines: 4x Mercedes D.IVa (six-cylinder inline, 260hp take-off power, 240hp continuous power at 2000m)

Armament: 4x 7,92mm MG14 machineguns (500rpg) & up to ~2000kg of bombs (18x 100kg bombs in fuselage-bays or 2x 1000kg bombs, one under each wing)


I think the Zeppelin Staaken R.VI could be an interesting rank 1, BR 1.0 bomber for Germany, perhaps as an event vehicle, or maybe, more speculatively, as a potential rank 0, BR 0.0 or BR 0.3 bomber for a WW1 / early to mid inter-war bracket. Either way, despite it’s early design, this plane had a decent payload-capacity and defensive armament, which could make it somewhat viable at 1.0, similar to the TB-3 at 1.3, plus, it’s an important piece of German aeronautical military history.

Additionally, it’s a bi-plane which is almost the size of a B-29.

If you have additional informations you would want to add, or spotted a mistake, feel free to leave a comment! :salute:



Zeppelin (Staaken) R.VI – Wikipedia

Zeppelin-Staaken R.VI - bomber

Zeppelin (Staaken) R.VI - Militär Wissen

Zeppelin Staaken R.vi · The Encyclopedia of Aircraft David C. Eyre

WW1 Wings of Glory - Giants of the Sky: Zeppelin Staaken R.VI Preview - Ares GamesAres Games

Zeppelin-Staaken R.VI


+1 look cool

+1 Please Gib Gajin

This would work as a br 1.0 bomber or a reserve bomber.