Yugoslavian/Balkan Tech Tree

My TL:DR answer to post it is a very solid, crystal clear “No”

For a more through explanation on why this statement is not only incorrect but also not only misses the point of what I am completely saying but is also misleading in some aspects

First point

in ww2 at start we had a mixture of PZL P24 (a variant of P11 that Poland didn’t use ) , Fairy Battle B.1 , Potez 633B2 and Gloster Gladiator…and some other vehicles of pre-war era.
During WW2 , the squadrons that survived fought mainly in Africa … with a mix of equipment from US and British origin such as Spitfire VB/ VC, IX HF/LF , Hurricanes, Blenheims , Helldivers and even Spit XVI (though post war it was a ww2 plane).

There is immediately one major issue with this claim. I failed to mention in the post but the main reason why I suggest why Post-war Greece should be represented but not Inter-war & WWII era Greece is very simple, Interwar & WWII era Greece would be a “Oops all copy n paste” even the so called “unique” vehicles like the PZL P24 & Do.22 are so similar to variants that other nations operated (mainly Turkey for the Former, Finland and Yugoslavia for the Latter) that they do not count. At least Post-war Greece has some genuinely unique vehicles and unique variants of existing vehicles to it

50’s to 70’s we had mostly US equipment we used mainly US types, F-86s, F-104Gs, F-5As , F-84G/F and F-102s.
After 1974 (Post Greek Junta era) they added in the equipment Mirage F1CG, F-4E and A-7H/E .
After 1988 the types consisted mainly of variants of F-16 constantly upgrading and M2K EG…along with the everlasting F-4Es , while in 90s we stopped using F-104s and by 2000s we retired A-7s and F1CGs with the major force being F-16s and M2ks (their upgraded variants). If we go till now add Rafale in the mix of F-16s and M2K-5s and the upgraded F-4E AUPs …

This would be a valid argument except for one important aircraft


The F-4E AUP is literally a upgrade package that is co-developed by EAB and DASA, DASA is a German defense firm. I can go one step further, guess where Greece got their RF-4E’s from? that’s right, Germany not the United States, also guess where Greece got most of their F-104G’s from? that’s right, Germany

and i haven’t done yet because this is the juiciest detail

Ground tree for years we mainly use various types of US equipment until the arrival of first Leopards…and even had some BMP-1s

If you did some research (which i’m guessing you did not), you would find out that all of Greece’s BMP-1’s were Ex East-German BMP-1’s and even the first batch of upgrades done to them (mainly to meet NATO standards of safety) were done by Germans in Germany

You cannot have a Greek sub-tree (either full or post-war only) in the US TT because they do not need it, they have already have enough vehicles in their TT and domestic vehicles not added to choose from, France doesn’t need a Greek sub-tree for the much of the same reasons. Using the whole “X nation should be in Y’s TT’s a sub nation because they operate Z amount of vehicles from X country”’ argument is inherently flawed (and also said argument needs to permanently die). It disregards the geopolitical factors and most importantly stances of said nation

I’d prefer a Balkan tree , which will be a multinational mixture of equipment from the get go, could be fun.
Or else a NATO mix tree along with PACT mix tree, where you could insert vehicles from many nations and create a solid core of vehicles , without defying logic on it…
Else, we go like China tree and i very much dislike what they did because at some point we would have F-16s/M-2Ks/Su-27s along with any indigenous and any mix of Soviet and US made vehicles until post Cold War…essentially making them all in one tree and even favorable in some cases comparing to USSR/Russia and US trees . Each tech tree should have something unique…

Having an unified Balkan TT is overall stupid because of not only what I stated before in my original post as well it completely disregards geopolitical factors, the relationship between Greece and the rest of the Balkans during the Cold War was tense even at the best of times. Don’t forget Yugoslavia supported the communist side of the Greek Civil war and Tito really wanted to annex Greece. Also the US did make several proposals to invade Yugoslavia and if the proposal did pass, Greece will be on the US’s side, West Germany will also be on the US’s side as well. Another reason on why I strongly against a Unified Balkan TT is because it would destroy the identity of the Yugoslav TT essentially making it cannot decide if it’s wants to be a NATO style TT, a Warsaw Pact style TT or what the Yugoslav TT is designed to be, a NAM style TT. Making the Yugoslav TT strictly a Yugoslav TT means it has a more coherent Identity, a NAM style TT (similar to the Swedish TT)

The only reason why the East and West Germany and why PRC & Taiwan are in the same TT. Well in the case for the former West Germany inherited most weaponry that East Germany operated even if Unified Germany didn’t use most of them. Even though I disagree with East and West Germany being in the same TT it does make sense in that regards. For the Latter if Gaijin all of a sudden make the PRC & Taiwanese TT’s separate from each other, even if Gaijin only make this change available outside of Mainland China, the CCP will immediately ban the game for “making a political statement that goes against the narrative of the CCP” and essentially cutting Gaijin off of one of the largest gaming markets. I am extremely against the PRC & Taiwan being in the Same TT, I do however recognize that it is necessary to pair them together in a business point of view. Finally putting all the Post-Yugoslav TT’s in the Yugoslav TT makes sense because the nations in question were formed extremely recently and giving them a separate TT would not work gameplay wise even if this hypothetical TT is designed like the Israeli TT.

No one said about a Greek tree should be in US or France… they clearly do not need it. So i didn’t even mention something like this.
I’m just pointing out it has more relations in importing vehicles from US and France than Germany…
RF-4Es got to Greece from both US and Germany… yet…US plane. F-104G got used by all NATO if anything… and similarly someone could say that because we had NF-5As we should be in a Netherlands tree… 37 F-104Gs came from USA, another 9 delivered from USA but USA got them back from Spain…About 50 F-104Gs and RF-104Gs came from Germany and another 10 of them from Netherlands.
That’s why i am saying if Greece belongs to a tree is a mixed NATO one , where you can pick vehicles and fill spots on demand from many nations…
Also i never said Greece to be part of Yogoslavian tree … Balkan tree is another story and is a mix of nations that belong in the Balkan region.
You can also put Greece in Italy along with other Mediterranean nations like Spain to improve Italian tree which is and will be lackluster …
To me it doesn’t matter where you put it …or if, mostly it matters what is needed and where to give some nations some appeal or uniqueness …
And that goes for any proposal about mixed tech trees.

Also, most NATO or PACT nations will have copy and paste vehicles in a way or another (even subvariants) of vehicles mostly belonging to their parent nations.
At least Israeli versions for example are heavily modified in many occasions and they did or still produce some indigenous stuff .

+1 :)

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Can’t Wait to see Skoda tanks

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yep,is well be a interesting tech tree in wt,and im looking forward to it
There are also many player-created skins and possible tech trees in wtlive

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Balkans all the way!


agree on the no unified Balkan tree , I think it should stay strictly Yugoslavia and the nations that made up Yugoslavia after its break up.


I think they should have minor balkan nations additions that cant have their own trees to make it better and to give more representation.

Yo, gonna dump this here as it is somewhat related, had it in my stash for a while now.


There is no doubt in my mind that Yugoslav tree should have been added long time ago. It should be stand alone tech tree with division between Serbia and Croatia. Heck it would be one of most interesting looking trees, since Croatia and Serbia should be together in early ranks (It was same country from 1918-1941), then Croatia ally with Germany between 1941-1945. Then again both countries was under same Yugoslav cap between 1945-1990 after 1990 it would split again in two opposing trees. Top tier would be probbably most advanced Mig21 variant still in use and Rafale.


I’ve been thinking of this since I started playing. This would be great


Never going to happen ,stop dreaming .

Not because you said so lol.

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I understand the want for a seperate tech tree for the Balkan region but the amount of copy paste would be pretty large which people are already complaining about. Also the reset of all your crew to 0 XP would again be a pain. Most likely imo If any tree I would probobly see it going to Italy, or drip fed into nations as premiums/odd vehicles. But if people feel strongly about wanting a new 11th tree good luck with that! As someone who tries to play all nations i’ll play it anyway no matter how vehicles enter the game.

No ,because they said it many times that they don’t know how to do it


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Old forum

You got a link where they said that tho?

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