Extra missiles I think.
Yes this thing
Whats different from the Ito 90m btw?
I think it’s just stuff like thermals and possibly radio
But seriously, you really don’t want Gaijin to add medium/long range/theater air defense systems to the game like HAWK, S-300, Patriot, etc. until they implement ECM in aircraft.
Ground main players that doesn’t like CAS:
Sometimes I like to RP as long range/theater anti-air defense in either of the F-14s XD
CAS is usually blind as a bat or don’t know what RWR is, so long range Phoenix shots are surprisingly effective. From the moment they spawn in, a missile is on the way ;-)
But you wouldn’t want to play a SAM battery in WT…
Me and the boys:
I did see a few F-14s taking care of CAS instead of using a SAM using them Phoenix missiles in GRB. i was one of the victims lol He probably had more fun using them there than in Air RB due players ignoring RWR and tunnel visioning for ground targets.
A good time, definitely, and a great service for the team!
It’s a shame that aircraft kills give so little rewards, both as SPAA or fighter. I feel we’d maybe see more players dedicate themselves to AA playstyle if it was worth their time.
I agree, I do it for the gameplay be supportive to my team once I die on a tank.
I really enjoy using SPAA.
What’s that?
seems some kinds of ZSD-63 manpad carrier. Hull is not important.
Basicly, a nerfed PGZ-04a
Perfect for 8.7 or 9.0 then where missile SPAA is sorely lacking. I’ll take it!
Not sure, once you have missiles, you would be 9.0 or 9.3. Depends on the missile. If add a bicycle with 1 man carrying a Stinger and 4 back up, it would be 9.3.
That makes no sense, we have GBU’s at 8.7.
That’s GBU and A-4E’s fault, hope it can be fixed when separated air/ground br come to the game.