The AUBL 74 has got me interested by being a visually fun and futuristically looking vehicle together with being armed with Belgian HEAT spitter made by Cockerill, and I am obsessed with Belgian stuff right now.
Statistically it looks close to the French ELC AMX bis I love - the mobility (specific power) and the weaponry, except it trades off bigger size to having full rotational turret, and well, a higher BR, but that’s really nothing considering it has scouting and artillery. Visually to me, its a Panhard AML, or Eland for Brits, all look great, but the FIAT is one tier lower, which is better because FIAT’s tier IV is the time where the painful grind without premium just starts, and Panhard’s tier V is simply unbearable.
Thankfully I have started researching Italy few years ago, so getting it soon won’t be a problem - though I still need a little tip - do I grind Shermans line or TD line? I need just two vehicles from those as I already got M42 SPAA on tier III - I could get two Shermans, that would be 54 000 RP though, or M41 SPG and foldered StuG, that would be just 25 000 RP. Perhaps, the TD line is more favourable for speedrunning FIAT.
What can you tell about this car? Will I love it as it looks right now to me? I feel like the only problem is specific power, but I prefer to play in arcade, and ~310hp/8t will be enough for me. Great guidance and traverse speed, nice reverse speed, balanced and it seems very fast HEAT-FS, quick-firing Italian MG 42 - I really don’t see any possible pitfalls.
as much as Ive heard of negative comments on how ppl abuse R3 T20, I couldnt find out how is it good, even reaching high speed is problematic due to having wheels… And imo it just doesnt look great, a fat OTO bus vs. a sporty FIAT truck with powerful gun… so it should feel like its on steroids indeed
That thing accelerate similar to r3 in city maps and ability to hammer tanks that show you its weakspot so i view as r3’s big brother on steriods until you meet r3’s friends like fox like tanks or car with autocannons,heavy machine guns while you distracted
I think 3.7 would be fair enough for R3, the pen isn’t amazing, the gun doesn’t elevate much to be that effective AA. Meanwhile Puma keeps sitting at what, 2.7 or 3.7 never can remember it, and it’s so much more toxic. The same EBR, but worse, sits at 5.3. Worse because its bigger, it’s armor always triggers APHE fuze and doesn’t yet protect from .50cals, and doesn’t have stock APHEBC like Puma does. I don’t know why Puma isn’t like at the same BR yet.
But well, the topic is about FIAT, I can see it being quite big like EBR, but the armor is all around 8 mm, perhaps nothing will likely trigger the APHEs too. Maybe like only the early ones that have 8 mm fuze sensitivity. And the HEAT, a lot of people complain about the damage, in my opinion it’s just a matter of skillful aiming sometimes, and I have good experience with ELC. Italiano promises to be fun