Yo what do yall think about this idea

large maps with thick and thin foliage that all tanks can fight on. but WWII gets their own version. Cold war-modern gets a similar but vastly different in many areas map.

CQC is fun and all. but what about hilly areas in forests with areas that amphibious vehicles like the LAV-AD and other vehicles can abuse to counter-flank and big open fields with treeline’s and pathways surrounding it.
no standard objectives like points A B and C spawn points locations could change based off of what objectives you do in the match with them not actively shown on enemy maps unless some enemy gets relatively close.

  • Can be fictional map design or based off of actual areas IRL only changed and adapted to fit the gameplay style.

some ATGM carrying vehicles can actually have a kind of advantage like the LOSAT or Bradley IFV.
and the UAV’s that the light vehicles currently have can actually play more of a role in fighting than it already does.

Vehicles like the M1128 can have spots where they can sit and shoot. with several versions of the map to make sure one isn’t always chosen. gameplay can change based off the map version. but if somehow possible list them under the same map that way people who really hate change and love spending money on premium accounts can ban the map/s. with the map border not a straight up square.

  • rivers and streams that are deep enough to drown tanks and have low points and bridges that tanks without the ability to float can cross creating choke points that can both be abused and broken through.
    there are many more options but i’m out of ideas.

please say something and not let this post fall on deaf ears!!!

We just need decently designed maps with no agenda behind pushing it forward. All the recent designed maps are based on developer’s interest like Flanders, North Holland and Attica, it was all made based on “I want.” not to make the game more diverse or with actual better maps since all of them is terrible.

i mean i liked red desert. just everyone else dislikes and bans it. i would gladly ban all the maps that came before modern vehicles as they arn’t really that good for them. some of them are tolorable but it’s really annoying getting the same fucking maps IMO. there’s also that one map with a dam and sniping points. i never hated it yet i rarely fucking see it. some of the new maps are just good played but terrible design in many areas.