100mm WHAT
Just what you see. South African manufacturing at its finest.
autocannon rat time after the update comes out
35mm gun, 100mm of pen… at 1000m
Thanks for keep filling BR gaps. Appreciated!
Also, shameless beg for 3rd rank german scout!
Is that US dollars? LMAO all that for a modernised sgt york
… That’s for the premium pack ads at the bottom lmao, the XM246 is TT
This sentence hurt me on more than one plane.
You need AP to insta kill planes by hitting bombs or pilot, removing AP will just nerf spaa, which at 8.0+ with helis is a huge nerf
IRL the ZA-35 has a round that’s APCI-T that allegedly has 100mm pen at 1km range
it would be bloody mental if we got that, Falcon but fast and radar guided
not to mention it should have a (probably) Gen 2 thermal imager IIRC
would easily be 9.3 in that state
Look slightly lower
it is either 1 or 2, but im leaning closer to 1 as of now.
Greeting from creator of both reports ;)
yeah its got the SAPHEI, which is equivalent to what we have in game, but if we got the APCI-T things would be mental
it is either 1 or 2, but im leaning closer to 1 as of now.
i’m remaining hopeful for the more useful option
I meant this
And no, SAPHE and HE base fuze are 2 different rounds, if thats what you mean.
I do not have DENEL made cutaway, so i will use Oerlikon ones to show the difference
HEI base fuze
SAPHEI (-T in this example)
SAPHEI offers greater penetration, but for the price of explosive mass.
alr it being just slapped at the bottom gave the wrong message
mr president theres a second plane
Pretty disappointed to see no APDS, especially after the response to this report implied it would be implemented.
M247 should get its M822 belt removed and moved down to 7.7-8.0.
What? The VEAK treatment?
Gaijin, never ever do this.
M247 is fine where it is, a very good SPAAG, and now we have the XM246 to cover the 8.3 gap