- Yes
- No
- 6.7
- 7.0
- 7.3
- 7.7
- Somewhere else
- I don’t want to see it added
XM163 CS
CS - Close Support; an XM163 without the radar, field engineered for fire support
An XM163 CS. Fielded during the Vietnam War.
The XM163 CS, or XM163 Close Support, is a relatively unknown version of the M163 VADS that was fielded during the Vietnam War. When first being accepted into operational service, in 1968-1969, a small contingent of XM163s was deployed to Vietnam to gauge their effectiveness.
Under the 1st Vulcan Combat Team (Provisional), six XM163 VADS systems were deployed to Vietnam in October of 1968. They began evaluation in November of 1968, for a period of 180 days. However, due to tactical situations at the end of this period, their stay was extended 75 days. No enemy aircraft appeared overhead during that time, and so they were mostly used to test ground fire support capability. The fire rate of the Vulcan was determined to be unsurpassed by any ground weapon in the Vietnam Theater, with more fire than the M45 Quadmount and the M42 Duster - both also being used for fire support. Combat effectiveness and maneuverability was also deemed as superior to the Quad 50 and the Duster.
It is noted that while in the Vietnam, Vulcans commonly operated without the RoR (Range only Radar) equipped, which is the version that is being suggested here. The identifying feature of the XM163s, besides the noise they make while firing, was in fact the AN/VPS-2 radar. Most of the time, the systems operated without the radar, to reduce their ease of identification, and also to carry more ammo. The systems operated without the radar so commonly, and it was noted that if an enemy air threat appeared, the transition time to air defense mode would be variable based on the proximity of a particular XM163 system to the storage area for the radars and other air defense equipment.
Length: 191.5in (4.86m)
Width: 112.4in (2.85m)
Height: 115in (2.9m)
26,000lbs, 13t (US), 11.79t (metric)
4 - Driver, Gunner, Loader, Commander
XM168 20mm Vulcan Rotary Cannon
GM 6V53 - 212hp at 2800rpm
40mph (64kph)
Rolled 5083/5086 H32 Aluminum
1.14-1.77in (29-45mm)
This SPAA would be a very simple addition, and could help to fill the American SPAA gap. It is just an M163 with no radar, with practically no changes from the “production” version. With no radar, it would allow a lower BR placement than the M163 already in game, potentially as low as 6.7. The lack of radar is the only significant difference. It was also projected that removing the RoR could result in weight savings sufficient to carry additional ammo for the system, but how much ammo I do not know.
Regarding the names, in the official document it is called “XM163,” but I think that XM163 CS or XM163 FM (Field Mod) are also valid names, as they accurately describe what the vehicle is. Additionally, XM163 refers to the entire system (including the radar and air defense equipment) whereas adding CS or FM to the end can differentiate to the radar-less field modification close support variant.

Patches used by 1st Vulcan Combat Team (Provisional).
XM163 #2 showing the Vulcan patch of the 1st Vulcan Combat Team (Provisional). In this picture, the antenna of the radar can be seen opposite the turret.

Two XM163s, Duster Buster (left) and Duster Runner (right), performing floatation tests.
Final Report, XM163 Vulcan Air Defense System, 18 Jun 1969
tvd - M163 Vulcan Air Defense System
UsMilitariaForum - 1st Vulcan Combat Team Vietnam
GlobalSecurity - M163/M167 VADS
Wikipedia - M163 Vads
Wikipedia - M61 Vulcan
YouTube - Vulcan APC Weapons System Arrives in Vietnam + Fire Demonstration on M-163 (Nov. 1968)
YouTube - Vulcan APC Weapons System Arrives in Vietnam + Fire Demonstration on M-163 (Nov. 1968)