Would you want to reverse the RWR change on the dev server


If they ever implement this absolutely abysmal change, we should at least not be affecting gameplay for the higher tier aircraft that often depend on their RWR for information as the spotting systems and increase in cloudy battles makes the game worse to play at these sorts of brs.


Wait, so a year ago they improved it to show what is emitting, and now that’s getting “re-improved” to… undo that?

Sounds more like busywork for developers to be honest, just to give them something to do that doesn’t involve copy/pasting vehicles…


That’s not even a question, they’ll just go ahead and do it anyway because by Jebus they know what’s best for us and by other Jebus we’ll damn well like it. You have to love that good old CCCP mindset.


At this point it’s so obvious that they want to artificially gimp nato stuff. The vatniks didn’t update their RWR for years past the SPO-15, so now everyone gets the SPO-15, simple as.


not nato’s fault ussr doesnt update their stuff :V


ThEre’s no inDiCaTion Of RuSsiAn BIaS In Our gaME. — Community Managers


Actually the su 25 sm3 got nerfed too


Gaijin likes to create serious problems and wants to mess with us

…Every time!!!


It’s been obvious for a while that NATO stuff tends to underperform and USSR stuff overperforms because “balance” (or bias, they both start with a b… I’m settling for bias). It’s amazing how after 12 years Gaijin still hasn’t figured out that treating the EU/NA playerbase the same as the RU playerbase just flat out doesn’t work. Yeah, there’s lots of us playing, but I think a good majority of the Western playerbase would skip town to whatever game brings the same gameplay to the table, minus the good old USSR “the state (snail) is infallible, so you will take whatever we give you and you will be happy for it because else, to gulag” mindset.

And I guess Gaijin no longer really cares about the health of the game, it’s reached a critical mass where they know they can pretty much do whatever the hell they want and people will keep paying and playing. I mean, it took a review bomb on Steam to get them to roll a few things back, and promise to do better, and that promise lasted what, a few months?

Me thinks a Christmas surprise is in order.


Yeah, because NATO equipment would take the bottom lip of every Russian piece of equipment, pull it up over their heads and tell them to swallow. A few years ago the world got a first hand look at how amazing their equipment actually is rofl


Hi, I think so far we still have not received any dev blog or other offical posts to introduce the upcoming changes on RWR, could you let us know what the opinion of the dev them thinking about that? What kind of feedback they want and what’s the reason they chose to do that.


I think YES but It should be used only in SIM mode. When they do it and put it to the Realistic mode, they should push Pansir to 12.3 or higher BR.

The change is ahistoric. The old system is as close to true to life as we can get without classified documents. This change shouldn’t make it into the game in ANY game mode.


I mostly play sim with some rb, but I completely agree.
This new system is just… wrong. And it sucks for gameplay.


Kinda hope they’re just doing damage control and scrapping the whole idea.
Especially considering almost everyone hates it.

Its Gaijin… it took the steam revolt (where even steam couldnt try to downplay it) to get any sort of action from them before. You really think they are just going to scrap this? I will put my money on them “reverting” it later (2025 sometime) after it hits live and those not on the forums find out.

I REALLY dont understand how Gaijin can even tell themselves this is an okay thing for them to do. The official stance from both Gaijin and the community managers is that there is NO RUSSIAN BIAS IN THE GAME AT ALL.

I lose all respect for the devs and community managers when they say things like this. It is blatantly obvious when IRL russian tech is behind on something, everything else gets nerfed to be equal to them and they say we need to prove that US tech is capable of detecting these things. It is COMMON KNOWLEGDE at this point that NATO and chinese tech can identify these things. with these changes they are claiming that the J10 cannot even identify itself.

I have utter contempt for anyone claiming there is “no bias” in this decision. That is a patently false statement and if you have the eyes to see, its not a mistake or ignorance either. The community would respect Gaijin a lot more if they just came out and said “were nerfing this because we want to, there is no other reason” so that they arent wasting our time when we submit bug reports about it with the correct information on these RWRs.


This is a true statement. If there was Russian bias it would be more obvious, and not confined to top tier.

I can’t take the opinions of anyone who genuinely believes it seriously, I swear it’s just something bad players use to make an excuse.

Also aren’t Russian RWRs getting nerfed too? Wheres the Russian bias now?


actualy a lot of russian rwrs are getting buffed, with the in cockpit display showing relative elevation of the threats

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I wonder how we are supposed to play Simulator since these changes make it virtually impossible to distinguish between friend and foe.
“Proving” that RWRs are able to distinguish between different threats is also almost impossible, as the documents required for this will most likely never be made available to the public, if at all probably under strict conditions or severe censorship.
I don’t see any point in this change, it offers no positive value for anyone and only makes the game unnecessarily less realistic (so much for the “realistic RWRs”-Devblog) and much more unmanageable or even unplayable for top tier, especially in simulator mode.