python5 is improved 4, changes the seeker to seeker ir + electro-optical and imaging infrared homing, lock-on after launch (LOAL)
naaa man dont worry you dont need to apology and yes thats what i wanted to say too… they told us in the CM Covert disclosure N3 that the PL-8B wasn´t a great idea to implement it right now because it would better than what we have now and yet some months later they add it that confused me a lot like you thats why i made this poll because if all the missiles at the end of the day are reciving such treatment why the Python-4 cannot recive that treament too? again 16 months waiting for it to come its really to much i know that the PL-8B is not what you expected but dont be to much dissapointed because its still a powerfull missile its faster than the 9M, R-73, Magic-2 and it also have more range than those being faster while having a good pull its really good because the reaction time of the enemy needs to be really faster to evade the missile specially now having IRCCM at the end of the day its still a possitive addition better than not have it in my opinion. have an amazing day mate!
Python-5 its not just an “improved Python-4” Python-5 have a way better engine, IIR Seeker, LOAL, LOBL, INS, 360 Degree full sphere tecnology more range, better acceleration its not just an “improved Python-4” just for looking the same the definition you are using right now its wrong, the Python-4 does not have all that because its still a missile with tecnology from the 80s that entered in service in 1994 said by rafael not me and if you didnt know the “4” after Python is for 4 Gen IR, the “5” after Python is for 5 Gen IR soo… please brother before making such claims read, ask, evaluates what you are gonna say is right because the only thing this causes is a missinformation.
Its not just the seeker the python 5 pull harder and have much less drag
Python 5 is just a Python 4 with data link and IIR lmao
You’re onto nothing with “Python 4 means Gen 4” it’s the fourth missile in the family
I’m tired of seeing this misinformation spread that Python 4= AIM-9M when it’s AIM-9X-I equivalent
Like, lets break down the performance of the missile:
Maximum range, 40km. 15km NEZ with maximum maneuvering. Compared to AIM-9X at 35/16km maximum and NEZ ranges.
G load: 60-70g. “But gaijin doesn’t model dual-plane!” Ok, but the AIM-9X still suffers from that too, and its load is 60g.
Seeker: FoV Gating or possibly UV/IR. This is the only real significant disadvantage over other comparable missiles. But even so, it’s described as superior in performance than an IIR and has a lock range of a whopping 40km! The AIM-9X has UV/IR seeker.
OBS angle: >60 degrees, with capability of engaging targets behind the aircraft. Same as AIM-9X.
But sure, it’s basically just an R-73.
python 4 is a 4th gen missile (probably the best 4th gen)and its equivlant to aim9m and r73 its not on the same level of aim9x it doesnt even have optical tracking
Python-4 is not 9X-I equivalent stop spreding miss information biased MAIN USA you are the american mains that dont like other nations to recive something better in this case you dont want israel to have better options for air in american made jets SOO SORRY NOT SORRY!!! is your fault for not developing and putting in production a missile between the 9M and 9X!!! we have that options soo… instead of complaining about this GO GRIND ISRAEL! USA is not the only nation in game.
Alao python 5 is better in every way like he said more range and more pull not just better seeker
Offcial rafael site
Pytyon 4 cant do a full 360
Python 5 can do that with no issue
the Python-4 does not have 40km of range it have 25-30km of range going just in a straight line, the Python-5 have more than 45km of range you are using data from both missiles trying to missinform and the sources you are using are totally third party very cuestionable to be honest.
9X having UV/IR Seeker??? a Dual channel seeker?!?!!? from where you got that information is more likely that you got that out of your butt because you can find it even in official sources that the 9X Block 1 have an IIR Seeker, like i mentioned above the Python-4 does not have IIR, does not have LOAL, LOBL, does not have INS, does not have DL and also does not have 360 Degree full sphere tecnology like the Python-5 you dont know anything about this missiles and this is a fact you dont have idea of what the Python-5 is i literally see it in person being fired and its damn scary to know what that thing can do its not even close to the Python-4 in performance.
That’s where you’re wrong.
The Python 4 can pull a full 180 and hit a target behind the launch aircraft, the only difference is the Python 5’s datalink can allow it to track a target behind the launch aircraft, with inertial memory or from the radar of an ally.
Here’s a shitty short that has footage of a 360 launch of the Python 4, I can’t find the original
The original was at one point somewhere linked on the forums but it’s disappeared since, or I simply can’t find it.
As for the AIM-9X-1 having IIR, you’re right. that’s my mistake. But the AIM-9X-1 also lacks datalink, IOG, and LOAL beyond dumb-firing and hoping for the best. It still uses the same motor as the AIM-9M as well.
And again do you have any source whatsoever the Python 4 has performance anywhere resembling the AIM-9M or R-73, or are you just continuing to pull it out of your ass in the name of nationalism to get an OP missile, unsatisfied with already the best in the game?
Because you’re right, the Python 5 is a world-class missile. And the Python 4 has the same exact flight performance with the same airframe and motor.
and whos saying that it performs like the 9M or R-73? is at this point is just a product of your imagination because nobody is saying that its similar to 9M or R-73 but either is similar to an R-27ET soo… also i pull out of my butt the nationalism thing because %80 of the USA mains are the most nationalist mfs in this game, i remember when the Kurnass 2K was added main USA cried a damn ocean, the better chaparral was added to israel mains USA cried a ocean, israel got the best Black Hawk which was modernized and also upgraded by israel and mains USA cried a ocean wanting SPIKES at all cost sooo… guys you are serial crybabies you want all the things and the nobody can have better armament than the americans because you would cry an ocean and some american mains have the face of claiming certain vehicles of some nations just for being american made it just fkn non-sense.
Getting into the missile topic again: the Python-5 does not share the motor with the Python-4 it uses a new motor with new propellant and the performance they are not the same in any way.
The thing that it annoys me the most is that you are just focusing on israel always in israel because is like a USA 2 in game leaving aside the fact that russia have a way better missile for HOBS shots and dogfight while having a good range also they have a really good long range missile R-27ET, japan have the AAM-3 which in my opinion is better than the 9M and now china would have the PL-8B and let me tell you something the PL-8B my brother have a multi-element seeker a 2006 missile produced by the chinese IRL have a way better motor increasing its range up to 25km and its being added before the Python-4 a 1994 missile with much older technology but you know what gaijin doesn´t care about that multi-element seeker and better motor and they just add it like it is right now and thats the poll about, why the Python-4 cannot be added under the same circunstances? there is no excuses.
In the damn video that you posted it says very clearly similar tecnology used in the FIM-92 you know that the stinger tecnology is from the 80s??? OPAAA i think you dont and also it says an operational range of 15km!!! and you know what? we have a lot of missile in game with that operational range!!! OPAAA R-73 IRL have a maximum range of 30km like the Python-4 but it also have an operational range of 15km!!! OPAAA you know that the japanese AAM-3 have an operational range of 14km and in straight line 28km OPPAAAA it seems that at the end of the day most of the missiles in game have the same operational that the Python-4 have IRL soo… i think that you need to do some kind of deeper research about missile because you much likely have the wrong information.
Python 4 is far too powerful and shouldn’t be added, end of story. You’ve done a lot of rambling, moving of goalposts, and ad hominem attack about have yet to provide any support for why the Python 4 should be added.
Also have you ever heard of punctuation?
oh what happened now you want to end the conversation because you are out of ideas and dont have anything to sustain your false claims and also you now try to move the conversation to another scenario using the excuses of a possible rambling, moving of goalposts and whatever what a basic specimen you are.
Mate you don’t even have claims let alone evidence to back them up. Just “Israel suffers USA main bad”. You are not worth talking to. It’s like trying to have a conversation with a cranky toddler. At a certain point you just gotta give it a rest and put them down for a nap.
ohh poor guy now it feels offended because some one told him USA main and addicted to have everything they want come on man do you a favor get out of that damn nation and go research others please because being a USA main is affecting your brain.
PS: the 9M have an maximum range of 28km ( 18 MILES in your lenguage ) around 13-14km of operational range IRL.
Says the Israel main lol. An extremely entitled and nationalist Israel main at that.
Also, I’m not American.
i have top tier in 7 of the 10 nations how can i be an israeli main?? haha also am not israeli am argentinean.
you aren´t american but you most likely have just america in the game or am wrong?