the problem is that we get polygons and artifacts and shadow changes … when we are on the map area … those things can be hard… you cant see anything…
the rocks became lines in the players eyes or cover all the screen… leaving you without view…
even in the replay we have the same thing…
I am having the same problem, have you found a fix?
I have an AMD GPU and I have yet to encounter any of these issues. And I don’t know why
Did you upgrade the adrenaline to 24.1.1 ? there is a mix up with the patch and… no solution… and now gets and to console players… that console use amd apu… and yesterday got update
if you updated your adrenaline to 24.1.1 go back to your previous version 23.12.1 and you all will be ok !
Uh… Probably not actually
dont do it. wait for the next one update
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