German UHT vs French HAC
French HAC is better in every way, especially those mistrals are a big difference. Good catch @Godvana .
German UHT vs French HAC
French HAC is better in every way, especially those mistrals are a big difference. Good catch @Godvana .
Bruh and at a lower br to top it off, seriously gaijin has some issues, cuz there is no way a better eurocopter is at 11.0 and dont get me started on the fact that the non adopted eurocopter is also in the TT and not outside of it like premium or event
Except it will have no maw and flares, at all
It was supposed to be 12.0 but will 100% drop in br with no flares and maw.
Probably dev server bug. Why wouldn’t it have flares/chaff ?
Like the PT5R it did not get integrated with the countermeasures suite before it got cancelled.
Interesting! Another one to add to the list.
And for the one who asked, the CM 90 (early) as we see in this picture did not have a stabiliser:
EC-665 Tiger Unreal
Hopefully now that we have two PARS operators, maybe they will finally address some of the issues that were accepted months ago mainly the lack of proxy fuse and 1+ km range it is missing
interesting Fuchs variant at Farnborough 1980
Okay so its a TPz Fuchs with the EM MCT (Euromissile Milan compact Turret)
Ive seen a single milan launcher on the fuchs but this is the first time seeing the MCT
Not happening.
But the Proxy should be the same as on the HOT so not against helicopters.
Way better would be the switch between Direct- or Top-Attack
HOT proxy is IR based iirc.
And even T-HEAT in proxy is deadly against aircraft.
There are ever so many Fuchs variants, I think it would be useful to have a “variants” section on Wikipedia to note all these rare prototypes that have been made.
I have a list:
TPz Fuchs APC
TPz Fuchs 7.62
TPz Fuchs Milan
TPz Fuchs Milan compact turret (2)
TPz Fuchs PARS 3 MR
TPz Fuchs PARS 3 MR quad turret
Not including Fuchs 2 and the armour variants
And then of course the Wildcat 30, Cockerill 90mm, and also the Venezuelan modification with the recoilless rifle come to mind. Perhaps I’ll consider editing the wiki myself at some point.
It’s a good start, will require citations and non-uparmed variants as well, perhaps even the 4x4 prototypes.
The quad pack is only a mockup though.
I don’t know if you already have these turrets since there are like 5 different ones with 20mm guns.
Also this thing from the Swiss apparently