Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Forwarded to devs

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You would just get a 20mm though since they just envisioned the Milan with it and never fitted or tested it, or at least there is no information floating around. You probably would have more luck with the DDR and their ATGM carriers on wheels or the 4x4s.

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Probably already suggested here, but I’d like to get more WWII SPH’s.

15 cm sIG 33/2 auf Bergepanzer 38(t)

15 cm sIG 33 auf Panzer I Ausf.B

Grille 38(t) Ausf.H

Grille 38(t) Ausf.M

15 cm sIG 33 auf Panzer III Ausf.H


Sturminfanteriegeschütz 33B auf Panzer III


15 cm sIG 33 auf Raupenschlepper Ost (RSO)


And all the others


Most of them i allready suggested.
The 15 cm Pz I is on my list.
The 15 cm gun on Pz III Ausf.H is not really a valid suggestion for the game, as it has fixed positive above 0 elevation, it cant depress the gun to even level. In each and every picture of it, the gun is like at least 5° up, as well as they allways dug the front down to aim on level ground.


can anyone ID this mercedes?


It’s the standard G-wagon, I posted the full page of it with all the data of the system.

Also this one:


If you don’t mind, may i take a shot at it?

Both the G-wagon and the bo-105 stingers

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This thread is long so I’ll just ask (can’t remember if I already did or not). Does Germany have any options of what they could add for GPS bombs? So far they are 1 of 2 (the second being Japan) nations that do not have a GPS (honestly CAS in general) bomb capable aircraft.

Well Germany has the HOPE and HOSBO and LJDAMs (laser guided jdams)

What about aircraft that could carry them and could be added?

Typhoon and Tornadon ASSTA.1 through 3 and the partial 4 upgrade

Could also include Tornado ECR

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So more Tornadoes…great

and eurofighters…
yeah germany has to wait for the best

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Thanks for pointing out about the 15 cm sIG 33 auf Panzer III Ausf.H. I didn’t know that

Does anyone have some information about this:

I know it’s a Panzer I Ausf.A hull, and that it’s a Panzer III turret, but that’s basically it


That looks ffing disgusting


I know. It was only used for training. Didn’t see any actual combat. And it has that gas thing at the back

Reminds me of a frigging candle with an oil tank for the wick lmao

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Maybe if/when the F-18 gets added hopefully?

I don’t mind, just take it.

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