Wishlist for Bugs and missing features (WIP) + Proposed Solutions

added both @ID_Heaven @Ghostmaxi 👍

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This needs to be doubled check but the Skink has the wrong sprocket wheel.

It has the normal Sherman one instead of the modified one needed for the Canadian Dry Pin tracks it uses.

if you can make a report for it, i can link to that above, rn theres only a header for the bug

Gaijin currently does not model functionality of AUX power unit on any vehicles.

Yea, thats a common missing feature of most modern things

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  1. [Bug] All multi turret / multi gun vehicles where the guns are not physically linked (Maus two guns linked on a one mantle case) should have the guns aiming at the point where the main gun is aiming.

It happens that it’s not only the problem with tanks like SMK / T35, but also things like Sturmtiger where if you have the main cannot set to 200 meters range with sight distance control, the MG will be shooting at the max upwards angle because it’s linked with main gun/launcher elevation.
Separate cannons should be synced on target distance instead of elevation angle - Gameplay - War Thunder - Official Forum

  1. [Feature] Add aiming/shooting with turret gunners and additional aimed ordnance when pressing “C”/“free look” the plane.

Currently you have to change seats to gunner which is making a mess in orientation and often making you loose seconds when you don’t know where the chasing target moved if it’s not directly on your tail. Potentially add a toggle to this mode and some icon/status indicator.
Gunners control option when holding free look button in aircraft - Gameplay - War Thunder - Official Forum

  1. [Feature] Add a way for players using scouting drones to score points without having to jump back and forth for scouting.

A player focusing solely on drone scouting is valuable to the team, but is penalised for sitting and not doing anything because he is telling his squad where enemy is. Potentially it could be connected to SPAA as “idle” vehicles sitting on the spawn for them to have something to do while they are waiting for aircraft.

  1. [Feature] Battlefield-style radio command menu controls with mouse and dpad

Key bindings for everything are terrible. I play so long and I never learned to use that because those are additional keybindings that I’d have to have on my 10-keyless-keyboard. Battlefield had proper handling of this for ages, why can’t we have it made the same way apart of direct key bindings?
Battlefield-style radio command menu controls with mouse and dpad - Interface - War Thunder - Official Forum

  1. [Feature] Shell reload UI around aiming reticle for Large Calibre guns on Attackers like PBJ/Hs129

This was passed to dev already, but I didn’t notice it being implemented. Seems like something that may be simple to add because all of the components should already be there and it probably would all be on client side.
Shell reload UI around aiming reticle for Large Calibre guns on Attackers like PBJ/Hs129 - Passed for Consideration - War Thunder - Official Forum

  1. [Bug] Andryusha has broken sight distance control

After increasing the distance it starts to raise the launch platform instead of letting you have the reticle lower than the ground level. It should work the same as in Katyusha.
Community Bug Reporting System

  1. [Feature] Bring back Arcade SQB, but with forced bomb fuse time implementation from ground AB.

Arcade SQB was removed after most of the new squadrons weren’t playing for too long, and that was because few pilot squadrons were steamrolling them over and over again with bombs. Arcade SQB would make sense if there could be a chance for the matches to not be only about planes.

Implement Bomb Fuse Delay Mechanics for Squadron Battles the same way as in Ground Arcade. - Gameplay - War Thunder - Official Forum

  1. [Feature/Bug] Make 88 mm VT shell fuse time to be set with sight distance control (mouse wheel)

Range finding a moving plane is useless. It was passed to devs already and Phly had like 2 or 3 videos where he talked about it, and it’s still not fixed. Again, it should be a simple fix.

  1. [Feature] Show some elevation angle/ground angle information similar to where the level flight angle is in the planes in first person view (plane invisible) in gun sights of rocket launcher vehicles.

Whether your target is higher or lower affects the trajectory of rocket projectiles, so there should be some information about it, and it’d be weird if such vehicles didn’t have some simple level indicator.
On some maps you don’t really know if sides of the map are on the same level or not.

  1. [Feature] Cull away objects in third person view that are behind the tank when possible

Remove geometry like trees and smoke from your own engine when you’re driving, so it’s not obstructing your own view of what you should be able to see based on what your crew can actually see in front. Often either running the smoke from your boat or tank engine when going forward is making you see nothing as well as a tree falling behind your tank can make stop seeing what is in front of you.

  1. [Feature] Include human factor into CAS vs SPAA balancing mechanics.

Complex topic - more info here:
CAS vs SPAA balancing through historical/realistic crew performance instead of vehicle/ordnance nerfs/boosts - Gameplay - War Thunder - Official Forum

  1. [Feature] Put Naval AB plane spawn system into Ground AB to solve Air Mission issues:

Most of us discussing the CAS issue in GFAB are on this approach IF there can’t be tank-only AB mode:
Use Naval AB aircraft spawning system for ground AB
Aircraft spawns in Ground AB - Gameplay - War Thunder - Official Forum

  1. [Feature] Show the amount of points required for nuke [Air Mission] in Ground AB Explicitly:

Simple fix, just show actual numbers required:
Show the amount of point required for the Nuke in GF AB Air Mission explicitly - Interface - War Thunder - Official Forum

  1. [Feature] Allow shooting like in ground modes for naval as an option instead of crew automatically setting the ranges.

The issue here is that the enemy vessel disappearing behind an island or in smoke is re-setting whole aiming system, as well as for some vessels it would make more sense if you would have exact tight control of where you want to shoot.


That could be expanded further and give top tier SPAA scouting drones too.


Makes sense to connect it with “idle” vehicles. It could also for example mean that we could have self propelled artillery with second ballistic trajectory as long as it’s not that simple to aim, to be somehow connected with drones in a way that it it’s not just mark yourself a target and shoot at it with sight distance control, but something more complicated like including weather conditions/wind changing for each shot, but that’s a separate thing.

EDIT: Because I forgot about these two:

  1. Solving spawn camping issue and some other spawn cluttering issues: Make the spawn areas not as one or two points, but as the edge of the map that is inaccessible to the enemy and not visible on their minimap.
  • Abandoned Factory example:
    What blue team can see:
    What red team can see:

  • Ash River example:
    What blue team can see:
    What red team can see:

Wallonia example:
What blue team can see:
What red team can see:

  1. Solving stock syndrome through scallable BR based on active module tiers:

Old example images made ages ago, but couldn’t submit them as suggestions…

The core idea is that either by enabling specific module you get the BR from this modules tier or even by buying it, it makes the BR being in this tier. For discussion, but idea is that you can have stock tank at lower tier before you spade it.


I really wish you would add option to disable auto horizontal correction from mouse-aim instructor, since instructor is forced to be on for mouse aim flying. How am i supposed to hit bombs to anyone, while on bomber view instructor autotilts my plane to level flying. This just makes me sitting duck to enemy AA :>. Istructor just messes up my flying more than it helps but there is no other option while playing on mouse, sigh.

You can turn it off

there is a setting in the menu for that.
toggle autopilot for bomber view or something similar

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these will take a while to add lol.
ive bookmarked them cuz exams tommorow, but ill add them for sure

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Thanks! I really tried being active in suggestion section in the new forum, but for some reason whatever I tried adding wasn’t ever accepted, including some of those old suggestions accepted on the old forums, so I guess my only hope is for others to do that.

My #16 is probably something that’ll never happen because that’s the core of the game, but hopefully rest of it is worth it.

Apart from listing issues, you didn’t write how do you want to tackle this - is it just you adding suggestion topics for those, or is it a list for some discussion between the union reps and gaijin reps?

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i dont wanna give anyone false hope as i am not a gaijin rep, but this and the germany wishlist are simply efforts to facilitate the public wishes more accurately and easily to the mods and hopefully and eventully to the devs.
speaking of which, ill tag a mod here so they keep following this

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also, for #16, i agree totally with the idea, i actually thought of it myself as well a while ago, but i think it would be too much effort? on the dev side. maybe. maybe not. but its a wonderful idea. and would go a long way towards balance

yeah i heard… good thing i cant have it rn lol, top tier china is a bit far rn

It might seem absurd but the su 27 has a horrible oscillation in the roll axis even if they make small changes in direction. I found that the f15, for example, does not have this defect.

a whole trove of leopard bugs found smh. i beg the snail to be faster lol

Some additional quality of life features that I think could be useful to note.

  • [feature] Allow bigger (covering whole vehicle) scale of decals for players allowing non-historical camo use.

  • [feature] Allow adding multiple instances of an object that is not a camouflage onto the vehicle like it is with jerry cans and how it is with decals. Let me add two spinning warning lights if I want to…

  • [feature] Add follow last launched projectile camera to the replay

  • [feature] Create an introduction to events where once a new player has entered a rank III, he is shown a relatively short video explaining how events work and where to look for them, after which he is given an event-like series of achievements/challenges for a random rank 1 event vehicle from previous events.

  • [feature] Create a way to use convertible RP without using GE or remove them at all. It’s just a trap that new players fall into and waste their free starting GE on to figure out later that they’re not going to get free GE anymore later. Even adding something that could be allowing use of convertible RP to the SL event crates could make some sense.

  • [feature] Bring back walking in the hangar that was available during 10th anniversary, and make it stay.

  • [feature] Add toggle “show all event vehicles” to the tech tree viewer where you will be able to see all vehicles without having too open them up through the wiki.

  • [bug] Use strings from base English version for all vehicles and vehicle types. Polish game version has misleading vehicle names and vehicle types making it so that from time to time players don’t know how to complete seasonal challenges.

  • [bug] in-game cursor going to the corner of the screen when game is minimized on a multi-screen system to prevent turret turning around or plane crashing into the ground.

  • [bug] sloped armor bouncing shells while green marker is shown in arcade. Either tweak in-game settings to show orange marker if there’s a chance of bouncing or fix the problem. Panther has a whole green middle of the front plate and despite that it’s bouncing most of the shots from 88 mm guns in-game. T34s are behaving similarly.

  • [bug] sturmtiger rocket not killing vehicles sometimes on direct-hit. There should be a 100% kill radius like with the bombs, probably something like 7m. From time to time it causes situations where you hit a light tank and shrapnel goes through it an kills a heavy tank with just damaging the object hit on the vehicle like sticking out MG, driver optics or gunner optics.

  • [bug/feature] camouflage is not rendered on tanks for players playing in the planes which makes it so that fully camouflaged small light tank is still easily spotted from a plane. This is something that is taking advantage from vehicles like M22 and weasel that could be hard to spot when not moving.

  • [bug] RBT-5 torpedoes aiming should be separate/unlinked from the gun. There’s something definitely wrong with the angles there, and you can’t easily shoot a rocket and get back to shooting the gun.

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Some stuff about LOSAT :

  • LOSAT should have one by one rocket reload on the point and not require emptying whole launcher

  • LOSAT should either have some indicator of when the target is too close for rocket to maneuver OR it shouldn’t have problems with missile turning toward the target because the missile is gaining speed from the start. In the test videos the missile seems to running dead straight towards the target while in game there’s a moment at the beginning where the missile is going straight before it can figure out where it should launch to, which makes it so that unless you’re shooting really horizontally, you’ll often overshoot or hit the ground.

  • Vehicles that require stopping to shoot rocket should have a functionality that allows to press the fire button and crew would stop and launcher should launch as soon as the vehicle is okay to shoot. There should be at least an indicator on the reticle that you cannot shoot yet because of the speed.