How about this bad boy, It looks similar in design language to the european fox 2s like mica and irist
Pl-10 looks like the chinese copied an IRIS-T almost 1:1 but slapped on the MICA tailfins to make it look a bit different.
True, but i really don’t know how they’ll implement H-infinity controller instead of the classical PID one on the IRIS-T.
Since they already have so mutch problem in missile guidance with the TVC, having the TVC and the H-Infinity controler seems unprobable for now (unless they manage to recuit a specialist in missile guidance but even then it would be unprobable).
But if introduced, it will be fun to be able to intercept ennemy missile with your own IRIS-T (even if its intercept rate against A-A missile will be a lot lower than against cruise missile or shahed)
Like i said, they wont implement it. Its just a notable feature.
From what i read online , the PL-10 is rated as a 55/60g TVC missile so more maneuvrable than a 9X but less than an IRIS-T.
Range wise its pretty poor as its being rated as only 20/25km (so only a bit more than the AIM-9L/M that we have in game).
Can do that in game right now with the AIM-9B, have had people shoot down my fireflash/AA20 with their sidewinders in a head on multiple times.
Very annoying, to say the least.
You can already do that but its very unreliable to say the least.
The Iris-T should have a better time doing that kind of thing maybe 50% of intercept if the missile is detected.
(Number is completly made-up since idk why kind of effenciency it does have irl)
Missiles in WT are abnormally attracted to other missiles, its one of the reasons why radar missiles act all funky in jousts actually, they much rather track other missiles than planes, which is an odd design decision on gaijins part.
The AIM-54 actually has such a large signature in WT that you can see them in radar when they are launched which is why i think its hilarious people complain that the AIM-54 is hard to defend against. You have multiple different ways to identify and track a launch and determine if its coming at you or not…
iirc the IRIS-T can be set to be directly used by the Preatorian DASS system of the EF2000 as a kind of hard kill APS. If they actually do use at that way, itd need to be pretty reliable at hitting things, like, 80% or even 90%+ imo
Not just Aim-54.
I constantly track all types of missiles on radar in the tornado F3 or Gripen. More than once I’ve found myself manoeuvring to fire on an enemy radar contact only to find out it’s a missile fired by friend or foe. Actually kinda annoying at times.
You can differentiate them pretty easy btw. Missiles have longer lines in TWS and abnormally high closing velocities. You will almost never see any plane with a closing velocity above ~650m/s unless you’re significantly over M1.0 yourself. Missiles often hit the 1000m/s threshold
You cant see closing velocities in Sim unfortunately.but the lomger lines might be noticable on the radar panel
I use the longer lines on the radar panel for sim, i just gave the closing velocity thing for ppl who play RB. I think (though i could be wrong) that the line is supposed to be a velocity vector
I think so. I always take it as directional of t ravel and I usually intercept things about right
I doubt the range is bad considering its got a lifting body like the irist, and its significantly larger than a sidewinder which means more fuel
Some say 100+ and other 80 or so depends where you look I think
Even with a lifting body, the IRIS-T is rated as 25 km max range (you can compared to the 9L/9M which are rated as 18km max range).
But the IRIS-T has its thurst optimised for short range dogfight and not for long range IR kills (contrary to the ASRAAM). So the thurst is really unoptimised for long range.
The IRIS-T also has the same caliber as the AIM-9
About the PL-10, the PL-10E (export version) is rated as 20km max range.
So if you say the difference in range between the PL-10 and the PL-10E is the same as the one between the PL-15 and the PL-15E then you get like 28km max range for the PL-10.
Having the PL-10 as a 28km range missile woudn’t surprise me
The available information is hardly conclusive and it is highly likely that the various missiles mentioned “max range” is neither the actual maximum range or close to the effective range. For IR missiles the most important factor is the no escape zone at the usual engagement envelopes seen in-game.
For pretty much all missiles that brings it down to the 10km or less range.
Another mig 23 L take
What MICA IR magically got a worse motor then the ARH version like what are you talking about
Nah he’s rigth for this take.
Obviously we don’t know at which parameter the max range was taken (altitude, speed of the carrier, speed and altitude of the target) for every missile and they could be different for each one of them so the “max range” comparaison is flawed. It’s more for a quick comparaison between missile.
Obviously those max range won’t be abtainable in any true situation, since the max range is for an optimal engament configuration with the target comming rigth at you at very high altitude.
That’s why i like to compare those max range with the AIM_9L / AIM-9M we have in game since pretty mutch every body knows its capabilities. When you know the 9L is rated as 18km max range it make you relativises on the 25km max range of the IRIS-T or the supposed 50km of the ASRAAM.
Have you ever shot a target at more than 10km with an AIM-9L? Probably not.
It will be the same for the other short range missile sutch as the IRIS-T/PL-10/9X/AAM-5…
They’ll have a bit more range that current missile but don’t expect to do 10/15/20km kills with them.
If you wanna do that then you’ll have to use the MICA IR or the ASRAAM but even then, it depends on the engagment conditions