WinWing Orion 2 F16(EX) Joystick Shaker setup

I have a WinWing Orion 2 F16(EX) Joystick with the shaker kit, but I have not been able to get the shaker to respond in War Thunder at all. The SimAppPro app doesn’t have a War Thunder profile, and turning on gamepad vibration in War Thunder doesn’t do anything. Has anyone been able to get the shaker working in War Thunder?


Yes! have the same issue what I think the problem is there is no way to have it work, as SimAppPro does not recognize War Thunder as a compatible program for the shaker. I would love for it to work as well but a big giveaway at first was there was not preset for the joystick when you first set it up.

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gonna bump this post just cause im planning on upgrading to a winwing f16EX/f15EX stick/throttle set as well (soonTM) and would love to get the shakers functional with WT as well if at all possible.


I was trying to see if there’s a way to get the shaker to work as a generic bass shaker and have it hook into SimHub or SimShaker, but the issue is the shaker doesn’t seem to be accessible at all outside of the SimAppPro software. Wonder if anyone has figured out a workaround?

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hopefully someone has haha

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If you ever figure something out please let me know how. It will make flying so much cooler and hopefully gijjin does add the ability for the shaker to work properly on its own.

Do you have the controls setup for the joystick? I have it with the throttle but cant find any tutorials and im not that good! If you do could you share?

I have the F-16EX with F/A-18 Throttle.
SIMAPP Pro don’t support War Thunder yet, but it will come.
On the FSExpo 2024 WinWing announced the support of SIMAPPPro for several games, see the link below.

I found yesterday that there is a workaround for IL-2 so I try that, maybe that also works with War Thunder:

Have you managed not to lose several key binds in War Thunder each startup?

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You mean in War Thunder or the SIMAPP Pro?
I try to document mine and make a use full template may take a week or so

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If you could share your config from warthunder that would be amazing! I just can’t get it to work for the f16 joystick or f18 throttle