Winter is in full swing, it’s time to warm up and settle down for a brand new Winter Extreme in War Thunder! To brighten up your long dark evenings, we’ve prepared a heap of prizes for you that can be unlocked just by playing — all you need is to do your best in random battles and earn mission score!
You can get yourself some high rank event vehicles of all types, trophies with various rewards, coupons for decals, camouflages for event vehicles, player icons and decorations! Last year the low tier premium was given to the tankers, this time we’ve got something special for the pilots!
Let’s light up the Christmas tree together!
When: From December 20th 2023 (11:00 GMT) until January 9th 2024 (11:00 GMT)
Participate and get prizes
By completing tasks in this event, you’ll be able to earn the following vehicles.
A Rank II Premium for Sweden.
A Rank VIII Event Vehicle for France.
A Rank VI Event Vehicle for the USA.
A Rank VII Event Vehicle for Germany.
Other prizes

Event vehicles at Rank IV-VIII and decals will be granted in the form of coupons, while Rank II premium vehicles, decorations and camouflages will be immediately activated on your account.
All event rewards will be issued for a specific number of Marks of distinction earned in the specified vehicle type in the appropriate game mode.

What’s inside the trophies
- 50,000 — 100,000 Silver Lions
- SL and RP boosters
- Random wagers and orders
- Universal backups (1-3 pcs.)
- Random camouflage for a purchased vehicle of any type
- 1 day of Premium account
Complete the collection!
- activate all 5 coupons for decals on your account to receive the 6th decal “Snowboarding”.
More about collections on the WT Wiki!

To get one Mark of Distinction for a tanker/pilot/sailor, earn 40,000 mission points in random battles in Rank III or higher (from Rank I for event vehicles) in the corresponding vehicle type and in the corresponding game mode. Point multipliers that vary based on vehicle rank and difficulty level are stated in the task description. The tasks are all the same and are renewed every two days at 11:00 GMT.
Missed Marks of Distinction can be purchased for Golden Eagles until January 11th without completing the tasks. You can do this in the following menu: Nickname → Achievements → Winter Extreme → Tasks for tankers/pilots/sailors.
The “Snowman”
A unique opportunity to obtain items from past winter events! From December 20th until January 15th, the “Snowman” and its “Carrot” will be available to purchase in the Item Store. The “Snowman” will bring you unique decals, decorations, vehicles and camouflages from all past War Thunder winter events. Some items from past events appear as coupons for the first time and you’ll be able to trade them on the Market. You can also get Silver Lions, boosters, universal backups, wagers and orders.
The cost of the “Snowman” is 10,000 Silver Lions, and the cost of the “Carrot” is 50,000 Silver Lions. “Carrots” can also be obtained for 3 and 10 Marks of Distinction in the “Winter Extreme” event. All “Snowmen” and “Carrots” will disappear from your inventory on January 15th at 12:00 GMT, so be sure to use them before then!

Now you can open multiple chests at once! When you choose a “Snowman” in your inventory, in the bottom right part of the screen a “Consume several” button will appear that opens a menu that allows you to choose a number of chests to open. Then in the window with your received rewards you can open the same amount of chests again by pressing a single button.
The “Snowman” can contain the following rewards:
Vehicles (both immediately activated on the account and available as coupons):
- Tornado IDS MFG
- T-80UM2
- USS Newport News
- Late 298D (only direct to the account)
- MiG-23MF (Germany)
- C. 202D (only direct to the account)
- A.C.I (only direct to the account)
- IJN Hayanami (only direct to the account)
- MPK Pr.201K
- MiG-21PFM
- Ro.57 Quadriarma (only direct to the account)
- Class 3 (P)
- E.B.R. (1954) (only direct to the account)
- USS Baltimore
- Type K-8 No.13 (only direct to the account)
- J6K1
- Merkava Mk.2B (USA)
- QF 3.7 Ram
- Jaguar
- PT-811
- Fw 190 C
- M.B.152C1
- T30
- SU-85A
- PBM-3 “Mariner” (only direct to the account)
- Leningrad (only direct to the account)
- P-40C
- NC.900 (only direct to the account)
- Ersatz M10 (only direct to the account)
- Me 262 A-2a
- Ki-21-I hei
- LVT(A)(4) ZIS-2 (USA)
- Type 62 (USSR)*
- P-63C-5 (USSR) (only direct to the account)
- VK 45.01 (P)
- M8A1 GMC
- I-301
* the chances of receiving the Type 62 (USSR) are far lower than the other vehicles and are around 0.001%.
All vehicles will be immediately credited to your account, but there’s a chance to get it in the form of a coupon unless otherwise specified.
Camouflages (coupons only):
- Tornado IDS MFG: Anniversary camouflage MFG 2 (first time as a coupon)
- T-80UM2: Bicolor summer camouflage (first time as a coupon)
- USS Newport News: Deforming camouflage (first time as a coupon)
- MiG-23MF (Germany): Tricolor camouflage
- AGS: Snow w/Open Terrain camouflage MERDC
- MPK Pr.201K: Deforming camouflage
- MiG-21PFM: Demonstration camouflage
- Class 3 (P): PATRIA camouflage
- USS Baltimore: Deforming camouflage Design 33 16D
- TIS MA: Bicolor green camouflage
- J6K1: Experimental camouflage
- Merkava Mk.2B (USA): Tricolor camouflage
- QF 3.7 Ram: Late bicolor camouflage
- Jaguar: Deforming camouflage Bow sea
- PT-811: Deforming camouflage Design 20L
- Fw 190 C: Nonstandard tricolor camouflage
- M.B.152C1: Early camouflage
- T30: Winter verdant camouflage MERDC
- SU-85A: Bicolor summer camouflage
- P-40C: Olive-green camouflage
Decorations (both immediately activated on your account and available as coupons):
- Christmas gnome (first time as a coupon)
- Christmas sleigh (first time as a coupon)
- Christmas mill (first time as a coupon)
- Cuckoo watch (first time as a coupon)
- Christmas sock (first time as a coupon)
- Christmas deer (first time as a coupon)
- New Year Tree (first time as a coupon)
- Snowman (first time as a coupon)
- Sparkler (first time as a coupon)
- Snowboard
- Snowshoe
- Biathlon rifle
- Ice Climber’s Backpack
- Snowmobile NKL-16/41
- Assault rifle with grenade launcher (USSR)
- Assault rifle with grenade launcher (China)
- Assault rifle with grenade launcher (Germany)
- Assault rifle with grenade launcher (Britain)
- Assault rifle (Sweden)
- Carl Gustaf M/45
- Assault rifle (China)
- Type 63
- Assault rifle (Japan)
- Assault rifle (USA)
- Assault rifle (Britain)
- Assault rifle (Germany)
- Assault rifle (France)
- Assault rifle (USSR)
- Christmas Wreath
- Sleigh
- Ski
- Skates
Decals (both immediately activated on your account and available as coupons):
- “We can climb it” decal
- “Christmas Lights” decal
- “Powder Day” decal
- “Secret Santa” decal
- “Times to Travel” decal
- Metal Bull (only direct to the account)
- “Raging Tiger” decal (only direct to the account)
- Battle Rabbit (only direct to the account)
- “Warrior of the North” decal
- “Warrior of the Slavs” decal
- “Desert Warrior” decal
- “Guard Warrior” decal
- “Warrior of the Rising Sun” decal
- “The Sherwood Warrior” decal
- “Warrior of the East” decal
- “Legion Warrior” decal
- Pin-up pilot China
- Pin-up pilot Sweden
- Pin-up pilot Italy
- New Year’s pin-up (China)
- New Year’s pin-up (France)
- New Year’s pin-up (Germany)
- New Year’s pin-up (Italy)
- New Year’s pin-up (Japan)
- New Year’s pin-up (Sweden)
- New Year’s pin-up (Britain)
- New Year’s pin-up (USA)
- New Year’s pin-up (Russia)
- Pin-up pilot USA
- Pin-up pilot Russia
- Pin-up pilot Britain
- Pin-up pilot Japan
- Pin-up pilot Germany
- Pin-up pilot France
- Shark Jaws (1)
- Shark Jaws (2)
- Shark Jaws (3)
- Shark Jaws (4)
- “Christmas tree” victory marks
- Xmas Rocket
- Xmas Sock
- Xmas Tree
Profile Icons (will be immediately activated on your account and in the form of the coupons):
- Winter Pilot (first time as a coupon)
Aerobatic Smokes:
- New Year Aerobatic Smoke (only activated on your account)
Silver Lions
- 10000 — 1000000
Expendable items
- Battle trophy (Research points booster)
- Battle trophy (Silver lions booster)
- Universal backup
- Universal backup x2
- Universal backup x3
- Random wager
- Random order
Christmas Chest for Golden Eagles
For those who not only want to spend their extra Silver Lions, but also Golden Eagles — a special Christmas Chest is available in the item shop. This chest can only be purchased with GE, but inside it you will find a huge set of useful items: premium account, SL, universal backups and boosters, premium vehicles and also all vehicles that have ever been sold for GE or Warbonds but aren’t currently attainable in the game or on the market (full list below)
Picking up a Christmas Chest is a bargain! If you have opened enough chests you’ll be guaranteed to receive talismans and premium vehicles. And that’s not all, the average value of the chest contents are almost one and a half times the price of the chest itself!

Also, after opening a specific number of chests you’ll receive memorable prizes. For 3 chests, a unique New Year sticker; for 5 chests, a festive naval flag; for 7 chests, a festive ground vehicle decoration; and for 10 chests, an amazing pilot Santa Claus player icon!

Christmas Chest terms:
Christmas Chest purchase price: 999 Golden Eagles
Guaranteed Prize: 1 day premium account + 120000 Silver Lions (total purchase price of 490 Golden Eagles)
Additional Guaranteed Prize:
- 1 day premium account - 15% chances
- 3 days premium account - 10% chances
- 7 days premium account - 5% chances
- 100000 SL - 16% chances
- 250000 SL - 8% chances
- 500000 SL - 4% chances
- 1000000 SL - 2% chances
- 100% booster for 3 battles - 20% chances
- Universal backup — 5 pieces. - 20% chances
Additional random prizes:
1) Talisman for vehicles (15% chance but at least once for every 14 chest openings); breakdown of chance by vehicle rank:
- Rank I - 16% chances
- Rank II - 20% chances
- Rank III - 25% chances
- Rank IV - 18% chances
- Rank V - 10% chances
- Rank VI - 7% chances
- Rank VII - 3% chances
- Rank VIII - 1% chances
If all vehicles of the dropped rank already have a talisman the player will be refunded fully for the Christmas Chest — 999 GE.
2) Premium vehicles including unavailable for sale (15% chance but not less than once for every 14 chest openings); breakdown of chances by vehicle ranks:
- Rank I - 20%
- Rank II - 20%
- Rank III - 20%
- Rank IV - 20%
- Rank V - 10%
- Rank VI - 7%
- Rank VII - 3%
If all vehicles of the dropped out rank are already there, the player will be refunded the cost of the Christmas Chest fully — 999 GE.
Unavailable for purchase vehicles presented in the Christmas Chest along with the usual premium vehicles:
- Lightning F.53
- F-86F-35
- J29D
- J35A
- YP-38
- T-2 Early
- MiG-17AS
- MiG-21 SPS-K (Germany)
- Milan
- S.O.4050 Vautour IIN
- A-4E (Israel)
- SAV 20.12.48
- Type 74 (G)
- Type 69-IIa
- M26E1
- UH-1C XM-30
- P-61A-11
- Bostwick's P-47M-1-RE Thunderbolt
- Lanovski's P-47M-1-RE Thunderbolt
- Wetmore's P-51D-10 Mustang
- USS Cowell
- Pz.Sfl.Ic
- Panzer IV/70(A)
- He 112 B-1/U2 (Germany)
- P-47D (Germany)
- La-5FN (Germany)
- Tempest Mk V (Germany)
- Sea Hawk Mk.100
- Z20 Karl Galster
- T31
- T-34 (1st Gv.T.Br.)
- МК-IX "Valentine" (USSR)
- KV-1E
- KV-2 (ZiS-6)
- IS-2 "Revenge"
- Mi-24D (USSR)
- Pokryshkin's P-39N-0 (USSR)
- Pe-2-205
- IL-2M "Avenger"
- Golovachev's Yak-9M
- Fw 190 D-9 (USSR)
- Spitfire Mk IXc (USSR)
- MiG-15bis ISH
- Stroyny
- Neustrashimy
- Achilles (65 Rg.)
- Boomerang Mk II
- D.520 (Great Britain)
- Typhoon Mk Ib
- Plagis' Spitfire LF Mk IXc
- Prendergast's Spitfire FR Mk XIVe
- Hunter FGA.9
- HMCS Haida
- J2M4 Kai
- IJN Kiyoshimo
- Т-62 №545
- T-69 II G
- P40 "G.C. Leoncello"
- RN Geniere
- F-84F IAF (France)
Detailed Terms
- The exact terms of each task can be found here: Nickname → Achievements → Winter Extreme.
- To get a Mark of Distinction, you need to complete a task in the corresponding vehicle type in the corresponding game mode. For example, a Mark of Distinction for pilots can only be received by playing Air battles (AB/RB/SB).
- You can complete tasks in multiplayer battles in all game modes except for “Assault”.
- You can complete tasks not only in vehicles of Rank III and above, but also in lower rank event vehicles — those that could be received in large events such as winter and summer marathons, WWII chronicles, BP seasons and craft marathons. In the stat cards of these vehicles you can find the names of events in which they first became available in the game.
- You’ll only have received a Mark of Distinction if the achievement’s color is golden (If you’ve completed the task and it hasn’t turned gold yet, join another battle and afterwards it should turn gold).
- Missed Marks of Distinction can be purchased for Golden Eagles in the Achievements window until January 11th 2024. Make sure you pick the right achievement category: either for tankers, pilots and sailors.
- Prizes received in the form of tradable coupons will be available for trading on the Market from January 12th 2024. The time from which the coupon can be traded can be viewed in the game in the coupon description. The option of trading each coupon separately depends on the time of its receipt and doesn’t depend on the vehicle type.
- The “Upgrade for coupon” item is valid until 12:00 GMT on February 1st. Until this time, you can use it or exchange it for War Bonds. Afterwards, it’ll disappear from your inventory.
- For 8 Marks of Distinction you receive an untradable coupon for a vehicle. Upon activating it, you’ll instantly receive a corresponding vehicle. If you do not wish to use the vehicle and want to sell the coupon on the Market instead, you’ll need the “Upgrade for coupon” item.
- For 10 Marks of Distinction, you’ll receive an untradable “Upgrade for coupon” item. You can use it to make the vehicle coupon you received tradable and then sell it on the Market. The date on which a traded coupon becomes available for sale can be seen in its description in the game.
- The “Upgrade for coupon” item has an expiration date. You can either use it or exchange it for War Bonds before it expires.
- PlayStation and Xbox players will be able to exchange decal coupons for similar ones. The exchange is available in the Workshop → Exchange items “Winter Extreme” window.
Enjoy this festive extreme during the festive season!