Will gajin add he avro vulcan to british bomber tree ever?

The Canberra and the B-57 were the first strategic bombers of the early Cold War, so why stop when you can go on. In Microsoft Simulator they added the Avro Vulcan to experience the flight, why not WT do the same and by showing us what her payload can do.

Here’s a video of this beast that the Soviets fear so much about.
The Vulcan Bomber

2 years on and the problem still remains of compression.

Where do you place her.

Canberra at 8.3 and Buc S2 at 9.3 and in terms of overall performance, its somewhere roughly in the middle, with a bigger bomb load than both, but far less survivable than the Buc S2 is.

The fear is it would be a free kill for literally anything that could climb to intercept it, which is basically anything, especially the supersonics it would always face.

Dont get me wrong. It would be amazing and I would be in it every other day of the week. But it is an extremely tough aircraft to place. Perhaps as a premium or event premium where its downsides are mitigated by the premium bonus


Somewhere in between if they don’t like her as a researchable why not add her in as a Premium for 11,000 Gold Eagles?

Wont be that high, probably more like 6-8k (harrier gr1 at 9.7 is 9k) , but I think a premium is unfortunately the only real way to place it. either that or a strategic bomber TT similar to that of helis that unlocks at a certain rank. That way its still researchable and usable in all gamemodes, but doesnt impact the main TT porgression.

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The Nighthawk has set a precedent for unarmed bombers. The Vulcan would essentially have all the same problems as the Nighthawk, but since the Nighthawk exists, there isn’t really a reason for the Vulcan not to (both are pretty iconic).

Canberra B Mk.2 and B-57A at 8.3are also unarmed bombers are they’ve been in the game since Oct 2014.

Buc S1 has been in the game since June 2021 and has no guns or AAMs at 8.7. (Buc S2 since Dec 2020 doesnt exactly have that good of an A2A fit either with only 2x Aim-9Bs that are rarely taken)

So its not new to the F-117. But the issue does still remain of placement for the Vulcan. Too high and its dead vs supersonics, too low and its better than the Canberras.

Though the Vulcan can equip 2x Aim-9Gs

couldnt vulcan only carry like 20k lb of bomb

21x 1000lb bombs was its max conventional loadout and what it used during Operation Blackbuck.

But it would not be convenient in ARB to hit 4+ bases and in ASB, would be a pain in the butt to do so in something as large as a vulcan. Only decent target would be the AFs. Again, 2+ years on and we still need decent new bombing targets

This is an excellent idea. War Thunder rules are essentially, if they were fitted once (or sometimes, if someone considered fitting them), then it’s fair game.

Only if they take the time to actually model it half correctly.

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Or buy it as a pack like £62.99

someday likely when they add similar stuff to other tech trees as well

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Has has been considered, but the Vulcan is nothing like the nighthawk due no stealth abilities, but it will be like the Javelin with it’s massive Delta wing.

Gaijin will model its thrust so low that it will be unable to take off.

Let’s be honest, the Nighthawk’s stealth abilities are barely functional in-game.
IRL the Vulcan had very effective electronic countermeasures (in wargames it was the only bomber to make it through the fighter screens and nuke the US).

There’ a couple of recent videos mention that WT might be introducing strategic bombing but possibly in a completely new game mode - eg see


I just hope that such a gamemode is neither a stale mess like Heli PvE is nor that the bombers were relegated to exclusively that gamemode. I would more than happily try my luck taking a Vulcan into ASB

It could be used as an end game nuke carrier for the UK.I did think WT were supposed to be personalizing the nuke plane for each nation and era but it doesn’t seem to have happened.

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they have already modelled a Vulcan and it was in one of their videos; “moments of valor: Argentina” - you can see it flying along side some (what i think are) f-5’s. so it wouldnt be impossible, and as a nuke bomber for the UK in ground battles, it would be perfect.

for ground battles when you drop a nuke;
UK get the Vulcan, Victor, Valiant
USA get the B-52, B2
Russia get the TU-95, TU-160
etc etc


oh hell no, have you forgotten F-111, F-105, and F-15E can carry nukes?

i like B-52 and B-2 dont get me wrong, but they are not the way to go for quick nuclear strike