they have already modelled a Vulcan and it was in one of their videos; “moments of valor: Argentina” - you can see it flying along side some (what i think are) f-5’s. so it wouldnt be impossible, and as a nuke bomber for the UK in ground battles, it would be perfect.
for ground battles when you drop a nuke;
UK get the Vulcan, Victor, Valiant
USA get the B-52, B2
Russia get the TU-95, TU-160
etc etc
oh hell no, have you forgotten F-111, F-105, and F-15E can carry nukes?
i like B-52 and B-2 dont get me wrong, but they are not the way to go for quick nuclear strike
its mostly about adding aircraft that are unique and rarely seen. it would be rare to see these aircraft cause they would only be seen when you drop those nukes; so it doesnt really matter what it would be so long as its cool.
yeah, but B-52 and B-2 are really slow compared to F-111 and F-15E
and those are pretty cool too
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yeah, but i cant imagine the vulcan will even be seen flying high altitude at high speed, it would be low and slow, just like every other aircraft when you drop a nuke.
flying high in GRB at high br’s is a death sentance.
so at that point; it doesnt really matter what it is. any aircraft can fly low and slow.
plus as a nuke bomber it gives the B2 or B-52 somewhere it could fit in. otherwise there wouldnt really be anywhere else it would fit as they arnt competative as TT vehicles.
luckily, tornadoes are nuclear capable which provides an option for UK, Italy, and Germany
true but they are tech tree. would be nice to see something that isnt in the tech tree and literally only ever seen when you get a nuke. that would give some of these unique bombers a useful role where they would fit nicely and be like a reward to fly them.
putting them in the TT would likely make them get obliterated or nerfed or not really fit anywhere competitive sadly; so this gives them a place and purpose. as you said, b-52 and b-2 are slow, so it would be a good nuke bomber; but not a good TT vehicle.
During the Falklands War update I think there should be a special package of vehicles for the UK, A Tech Tree for the Argentines, little support from the Americans. Everything that took place during the Falklands war should well be included. For example:-
Chinook - Bravo November
Sea Harriers - Royal Navy
Wessex - Royal Navy HAS.3, Navy grey
Wasp - From HMS Endurance
Vulcan - Flew all the way down from the UK to bomb a Runway
Victor - Flew to refuel the Vulcan on it way down
Scorpion Tank - CVR(T)
That is not their model, it’s a free 3d asset used for the footage for cinematic reasons.
Most on that list are ingame and special skins where given to the harrier for the falklands.
Though it was given to the wrong one. It was given to the SQV version which is the post-falklands fit. The Sea Harrier FRS1e which is the falklands fit, never got that skin, despite being 100% identical airframes. Was a tad annoying actually, because you have to use a peacetime skin for the FRS1e and userskins dont appear for everyone else like GE skins do
Well technically the FRS1e should not have CM lol
If the skins get upvoted enough they get added to the marketplace.
And the Vulcan did not fly all the way from the UK to hit Port Stanley and other areas. It flew on ferry flights to Ascension. And used Ascension as it’s base of operations.
No, it should, NAS 801 didnt get the AN/ALE-40 Flare/Chaff pods till the end, but NAS 800 got them right at the start
Did they I don’t recall that, they were flown in half way through the war IIRC.
I know NAS 801 didnt get any until the last week and the 3 they got were so badly damaged they werent usable or something, but fiarly certain NAS 800 got them pretty early. Early enough to be of some use during most of the war.
No idea when 809 got them
Interesting by the sounds of it even some Gr.3 got them in 82
As well as blue Eric
Makes sense, HMS Hermes and NAS800 had the ALE-40s. The 1F Harrier Gr3s were emabarked on board Hermes, so probably were able to get them intergrated. Doing the lion share of the Ground Attack, it would make sense to make sure they had flares and chaff