Why wont hostiles attack my aircraft?

i know ive asked this before. but how can i get hostiles to attack my aircraft with triggers? which ones do i need?


ive put that trigger in, but they still wont attack.

@indy22334 If your ‘hostiles’ are AI planes and tanks then go to their UnitProperties and scroll down to Attack Type and chage it to ‘fire_at_will’ or ‘fire_at_will_air’.
If you want them to target other AI/Bots to then go to bottom and click on ‘targetableByAi’ and when they get close to each other they’ll shoot each other as well.

I’d setup a 'unitrestor’e trigger so they’ll respawn when they get killed.

Thank you for sharing how to get AI units to respawn, is there a way to get them to respawn at their original spawn point? it seems that they respawn fairly close to where they died right now. Here is the link to my mission Dropbox
