Why we getting the same map so many times in a row... spain espeacially and now afganistan too

once i got 13 times in a row spain map while playing top tier jets and many times i played same map like 8 or 10 or 6 times in a row…its stupid… how the fuk is that possible and better question is why would u make it that way? i dont understand …no one wants to play same fuking map 10 times in a row… why is not just random or whatever… especially if i dont like certain map… have you ever thought about that? obviously u didint…well …u should…so think again!

8 games… 2 maps… 6 afganistan…are u fuking kidding me?

It’s the map rotation system I’m guessing. It’ll queue up a map for a few minutes at a time and any match started in that time frame will get that particular map. Not entirely sure why they’d do it like that, but that seems to be the way it’s implemented.

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ye…i guess u are right…that sucks :/

few minutes sure, but look at the playtimes. that’s like an hour of the same map.

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They want you to really appreciate the work they put into that one (1) map.

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Same bullshit map 8 times in a row, 6 times on the worse side…

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