Why we don't have anti radiation missel

Why dont add ARM to attack specially to radar AA

Firstly because the balance at top tier is already heavily tilted towards CAS, and secondly because every anti-radiation missile in existence has a range multiple times that of the best SPAA currently in game.


Highly possible they are being worked on, a few datamines that hint at it, but also a good chance the code is only relativeely recently gotten to the point where they would be more reliable, things like the relatively recent RWR overhauls and how radars “work” was some of the early steps needed to allow them to work in game. We’ve also had changes to how missiles target naval ships and whilst only indrectly related, this code could benefit ARMs when it comes to self guiding onto targets.

But as SpeclistMain said, at the moment, CAS fairly universally holds the advantage at the moment and so I wont expect to see ARMs till we also see a full set of new top tier SPAA with ranges more like 30-40km that enable proper SEAD gameplay within GRB, annoyingly, ground gamemodes is always the limiting factor for A2G weapons

But yes, do hope to see them someday, would be fun to use in Air Sim


Cause CAS is already OP and unkillable.
There is no SPAA in the game that would require such weaponry at this time.

When better SPAA comes, and out-ranges CAS, sure. Until then no.


That’s a great question. Something like the AGM-45 Shrike would be really useful against convoy SPAA in sim. What I don’t know is if all countries would be able to get an equivalent missile.

Quite a few at least. France and Britain has the AJ168 Martel (there was also an AR version) for example.

Though more likely we’ll see the next gen come like AGM-88 and ALARM equivalents.

(Finally getting revenge on those damn Gepards is the dream)

If on sim is good and in sim air we add AWACS AND ARM is veryyyyyy usefull