Why the performance are every time bader after a update?!

after every update the performance say goodbye… and never come back, why!? befor 2 years i had with dlss 400fps+ on the most maps and my graphiccard usage was 60%. But from update to update i loose fps for no visual change…
But this update is on a new level, befor the update 180-250 fps and 50%gpu usage and now 80-120 fps and my pc is going to explode. WHY???


Same here, it feels like the game is running in 30 fps

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yeah same i get about 120-150 fps and after the update max fps is now 70 fps :/

I haven’t had such a drop in performance but there are definitely some fps related lag spikes here and there

My fps dropped from 160-200 to 70-90, haven’t had such a big drop since they updated the engine a few years ago.

yeah after a reinstall nothing change. How every time befor, i dont now what they done befor 2 years but it sucks. every update -50% of Performance and first time this update my gpuusage is by 100% and the pc going to explode

same here, huge FPS drop…
i had 150fps, now its down to 45 FPS???

same for me… before this update i was able to play gracefully at 120 fps … after the update i’m stuck at 30.

Found that changing the graphics settings in game, using any of the given presets, solved my issue… but suddenly when i restart the game i found v-sync disabled.

Re-enabling it seems to “reactivate” the frame drops.

Anyone with the same weird behaviour?

BTW … mine HDR option is not working since “seek and destroy” mayor update…images washed out…

“BTW … mine HDR option is not working since “seek and destroy” mayor update…images washed out…”

same here, but tab in and and works for me

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Found a recent bug report regarding this issue, i’ve added mine feedback…🤞
Community Bug Reporting System

Unfortunately for me, there is no way… tried to enable HDR from in game options and/or launcher, none works 😔