Why the JAS39A does not get ARH missile?

It may have done, but it’s also clearly intentionally custom sculpted to fit the meta.

Like the sherman I mentioned, lower br because it has no 12.7mm so somehow it sits stupidly at 3.7? That’s just silly. It has all the important qualities with some kind of superfluous bits sawed off and is given a BR tax deduction for it.

Its not just that the kit is good, it’s given extremely preferential treatment and implementation. It is clear the developers intend Sweden to be meta.

Yea, agree on this. IFVs for Britain and/or France would have been cool. At any point in the last year and a bit.

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Aight so where’s the historically accurate strv 103 2 second reload?

Just because Sweden has shit that fits their terrain that also happens to fit the way Gaijin make the game, is not some grand conspiracy. This game suits the yanks and ruskis a hell of a lot more than the Swedes. I am fully aware that doesn’t suit your agenda, but it is what it is. Sweden has fuck all to add, outside of IFVs (which suit the game) or MBTs (Which suit the game) or light tanks with high caliber guns (which suit the game). For air, Gripen is a menace in reality just as much as in game, and was the only thing they could have given us. It isn’t a grand conspiracy.

Yeah, memory was a bit fuzzy. Cheers.


Sweden is odd, its gimped in a lot of ways (No APDS for spaa, plus cough cough draken)

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And no one mentions the bad ones, do they?

Lago I being quite horrendous.

The J21s… just being what they are, plus the J22s.

It aint all sunshine and roses for us lol

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I’ve seen perfectly reasonable bug reports about MiG-29’s engine power and flight curves just denied with handwave nonsense.

Su-27 also has nowhere near the real life flight performance.

Good quality reports on the Gripen having made up enginepower also handwaved.

A clear double standard.

I want JAS39 Gripen A lose HMD and Rb 74(M) only. and Rb 71 (Skyflash) replace by Rb 99 MRAAM

But JAS39 Gripen C, hopefully gajin change new radar (PS-05A Mk.3) and new targeting pod (Litening III) for swedish, HuAF and SAAF

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No they shouldn’t and they most definitely haven’t.

Citation Needed™

Presumably where a lot of the autoloader reloads are, lost in random sources Gaijin prefers.

No, they just go out of their way to ensure Sweden has tons of under-BR kit.

Adding stuff inappropriately early is a hallmark of “bias”

When Soviets get Pantsir, a way more powerful AA piece than anyone else has and leagues more powerful than its peers, reasonable people complain.

When Sweden gets some stuff like that, deafening silence.

That’s a laugh, given Gripen A is on par with 16a in flight performance. Except no, it performs notably worse so it surely shouldn’t have arrived sooner.

Refer to above statement.



Weird how the F-16A gets trounced with ease by Gripen.

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Having played the 16A against a Gripen, it’s not that tedious to beat it.

Because Mig 23 is notoriously unbiased when it comes to bug reports, and we should take everything they say without any salt whatsoever. Especially when this particularly report proves fuck all.

As I don’t particularly fancy being banned for calling a spade a spade when it comes to your wit, this is the last I’m responding to this. Someone else deal with the pest.

Gaijin’s response was “nuh-uh we like our unsourced thrust numbers we currently have.”
and when people turn up with proper documentation about MiG-29 or Su-27 performance you get a “Don’t care, f*ck off.”

Where’s my bias? “At once comrade, 150% thrust for Soviet glory!”

I am working on spading both Gripen C and the F-16s. Guess which one is child’s play to slaughter with.

It isn’t for anybody. But Sweden is a small tree and has lots of BR for BR very heavy hitters.

IKV91 for example is a big thorn in upper br games.

It’s really, really easy to point out ‘problem’ Swedish tanks that are under BR.

They’re literally doing Sweden a favour by keeping the JAS39A notionally less equipped so it can sit at a meta BR for its capabilities.

Asking for better kit is asking for a nerf.

you have a 0.5 K/D in the gripen don’t even joke lad

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Yeah, so? I can recognise the airframe is powerful, it’s not even spaded, I don’t have the aim-9m yet or all the engine upgrades. But guess what, it’s already strong.

My failure to properly utilise it is no fault of the plane, is it?

Then why MiG-29SMT getting R-77 and also get new SU-27 and Gripen A don’t seem double standard to me or Russian still need some kind of special treatment?