Why t32 is 7.3?

You have always the option to shoot the barrel or not engage at all, thats something that after you play with tanks such as jumbo 75 learn.

But i see that the t32 could easily sit on 7.0 not having to fight heatfs vehicles every single time, the point that made me start this topic is because the t32 is essentialy an tank that just works on downtiers since on normal and uptiers your armor doesn’t mean much.

On 7.0 it would sit quite well since tanks from this br can pen you quite easily from the 3(two on the lower frontal plate and the machine gun port) weakspots witch are an oneshoot most of the times and when you dont get oneshooted your will lose 3 crew for sure.

The weakspot on the t32 can be pen by an tiger 2 from up to 1km witch just seems enought for me to say its decent to have these vehicles facing eachother.

But i think that the t32e1 should stay on 7.7 since it loses all of its frontal weakspots that you can abuse.

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That doesn’t take away the fact that the vehicle has those strengths. You COULD go a different way or COULD try to destroy the barrel. But what about ranged combat where hitting weakspots is difficult?

It can be penned, but who is going to make the first shot? A hull down T32 that needs to hit a whole turret at 1km or a Tiger 2 aiming at a weakspot from 1km? That is the situation they have to balance for because it WILL happen eventually. And that doesn’t include all of the other vehicles that would be just as powerless in similar situations. The Tiger 2 is a close comparison, but if the T32 can pen a Tiger 2 turret from 1km then your other tanks also stand little chance either.

The whole “it faces tanks with heatfs” thing doesn’t mean much when the issue with it going lower is the brs it will face in downtiers. It should face heatfs in an uptier if it means a Tiger 1 or Panther doesn’t see it in a downtier.

There is no effective difference between 185mm and 289mm when the maximum penetration offered by the 76mm is 190mm. The Tiger II H has far fewer weak spots and a far better gun relative to the tanks it fights than the T32.

The T32 has been in the game for almost a decade now. Even at 7.0, it was rarely played. People blow its armor out of proportion. It struggles to compete with the slow reload rate. It is forced to fight as a slow flanker, when you’re just better off playing the M46 or M47.


The T32 at least deserves to go down a BR to 7.0. It has two obnoxious weakspots on the lower plate because Gaijin cant properly model mid tier US heavies or mediums. The machine gun port is ridiculously large and is a reliable way to kill it than the supposed ‘weakspot’ of the King Tigers MG port.

It is not a IS-3 and it cant face tank most of the guns it faces when exposed. If you cant cant aim at its glaring weakspots than I can just simply declare…

skill issue


Irrelevant. A US 76mm isn’t the only thing that a 6.7 vehicle can’t face. Infact it’s one of the weakest guns in terms of penetration.

See how a Tiger II H performs against any Soviet vehicle mounting a 100mm or 122mm cannon compared to the T32.


It’s 100% relevant when the argument is “imagine a T32 fighting 5.7 tanks”. I don’t have to imagine it, the Tiger II H already does.


The T32 was at 7.0 and they decided it needed to go up. That was either because of it’s performance, or because of BR decompression. Either way it was deemed that the tank be in the 7.3 bracket for the sake of the other vehicles.

Where it originally was for upwards of 5 years btw


good luck convincing gaijin.

So I said you’re wrong which you reply to with:

Which is essentially the same as before.

Therefore you’re not making any sense. A T32 doesn’t fight 5.7 and if it did, it would survive way more than the Tiger II H would.

Literally the only gun that can’t pen the Tiger II H but the T32 is the US 76mm.
Yet every other gun can pen the Tiger II H but will struggle more to take out the T32.

Therefore your argument about 289mm of armor not making any difference to 185mm is simply incorrect, and therefore your argument is irrelevant as you limit it to a few specific vehicles.


It matters because 5.7 US is made up primarily of 76mm guns. If that doesn’t matter for the Tiger II H, it shouldn’t matter for the T32.

Limiting it to 5.7 is just as arbitrary as limiting it to the US. Basically every tree has a vehicle from 6.0-6.7 that can frontally pen the T32, so why restrict it to only 5.7? There won’t be only 5.7s on any team, so that restriction is pointless.

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What restriction? What are you even talking about?
US 5.7 has a light and medium with a 76mm and two M36s with 90mm guns.

The point is that the T32 at 6.7 is way more dangerous than the Tiger II H.
90% of tanks can pen the Tiger II Hs turret and they can’t pen the T32 in return.

It has the mobility of a medium tank and the turret sides are much stronger.
This makes the T32 overall much more survivable than the Tiger II H which is immune from the front only against a few selected vehicles.


Which is why people are fine with it at 7.0 but at 7.3, two full brackets above the Tiger II H, it is far, far more likely to run into HEAT slinging light tanks and MBT’s that render its armor and mobility advantages relative to the KT useless. The M48 and BMP are both 7.7, or a single BR bracket above the T32. I also don’t think you realize just how terrible the reload rate is on that 90mm at 14.5 seconds aced, not quite double what the KT’s is, and with an APHE shell that has worse penetration and worse velocity.

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I’m very happy with it and I really enjoy using it. It’s a solid tank. It’s okay at 7.3 but I hate seeing Bradley’s or m60 or m48 at the beginning of match because I know it’s gonna be rough one . Other than that, it’s a solid tank.

Thanks for convincing me to give it a chance.

It could be really good at 7.0 - better than tiger 2 but not by much.

7.0 - so It could compete with up tiers. It does have weak spots people aren’t aware of that could be utilized in down tiers to balance it. (Gun port/ LFP)

7.3 - to prevent OP status in down tiers. Although, 6.0 tanks could compete with the t32 better than it can compete with 8.3

It could be placed in either BR.
But it wouldn’t be super over powered at 7.0 comparatively speaking (compared to the existing heavy tanks at 7.0) with the weak spots to level it in down tiers. IMO

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As always, the best solution is BR decompression of 6.7 upwards.

Right now, heavies above 7.0 have a pretty difficult time, but if they were sent down, there is a risk that they would devour the meta. So it’s what they face in uptiers that needs decompression.

It’s also worth reminding that after the summer BR changes, today’s 7.3 is not last year’s 7.3.

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remove it from the game like gaijin did with the maus

problem solved

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If they aren’t going to change the BR of the T32/T32E1 then it should receive any of the following:

-A reload buff (Even if it’s a two-piece ammunition all just for the same 90mm performance of the Super Pershing’s 6.7 gun for 15-20 second reload is not going to cut it when faced against IFVs, light tanks and MBTs)

-Physical armour change (the regular T32’s LFP side bulges are still artificial weak spots in thickness and angle for all Pershings)

-T50E1 APCBC shot (A similar T41 APHE shell but with better overall performance against sloped armour to which they did the same compensation for the Maus getting the experimental PzGr-TS shell)

This is a sad and forgotten tank that deserves better.


It’s hard to say without knowing its stats. That’s the usual problem with this game. Only Gaijin knows the real numbers.


Facts. This is a solid solution to leaving it. The t32e1 at 7.7 I assume is just a waste of a good tank.

My initial play through I didn’t give either of the t32 the time of day because of the available ammunition vs its competition especially at 7.7.

I’ll spade the E1 out next and I’ll be back with my opinion. Although, 7.7– I assume is because it’s removed weak spots. But there are already tanks at 7.3 with no frontal weak spots people just have to deal with. The easiest solution for me has been just hoping someone with heat is around to kill it or shoot barrel and attack from sides.

You made really good alternate solutions to adjusting BR’s

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