Why can’t China have something good, just good, not excellent or very strong, and just good? When the Su-27SM was added, something similar was supposed to be added to China, for example, like the J-11B, but instead, the J-11A was added, which is unfortunately bad. Now, the Su-30SM is being added, but instead of adding the J-16, for example, or any multi-role aircraft, the J-11B is being added, even without a ground load. Unfortunately, Chinese tanks are still bad, not the worst, but they are not like the T-90M. Chinese tanks in the game are like Russian tanks, just without armor, but they can be used. When the JH-7A was added, a long-range load was not added, and the reason is that its range is large, but the Kh-38 missiles were added, and now the Russians have three aircraft that have this missile, but the best choice for China is two Kh-29 missiles. I just want to know why
Too modern probably; I mean, it only flew in 2011…
In comparison, the Su-30’s first took flight in 1992…
I agree with you, but this does not make a difference in the game, as it depends on the balance between the vehicles. The J-16 will be like the Su-30SM, but with Chinese armament instead of Russian. This is the only difference, as all its information is secret like the Sukhoi, so the game will modify it to create a balance.
Nah, dates dont really mater, only performance
According to Gaijin’s usual style, if the J-16 is implemented: due to “balance reasons”, it is not equipped with advanced weapons such as the PL-15 and PL-10, and will never be retrofitted. Is this what you want?
I mean it the reasons Eurofighter isn’t have AMRAAM C and meteor
Gaijin really don’t mind doing something like that
yep,just like J7e shall equip with pl8. But gaijin give it pl5b instead for “balance reason” that time. And years later, it still remains how it was.
MiG-29SMT moment. Personally however? I wouldn’t mind, J-16, even without advanced missiles, would sit quite well at 14.0 and we can wait for more advanced variants (as well as adequate competition necessitating more advanced missiles)
J-11B won’t be bad, PL-12’s outdo R-77-1’s atm, but everything is subject to change.
For me, gajin might consider J-16 in 4 or 5 years with PL-15
Battle rating 15.0 minimum, maybe
It is also possible to add the J-15, which will be a complete copy of the Su-30SM, but with some Chinese armament. The first version of the J-15 also carries missiles that are present in the game, such as the PL-8 and PL-12 missiles, but the advantage is that it is a multi-mission aircraft that can provide ground support.
It isnt. At least CM count is the same as Su-33 - 48
I agree with you, but I am speaking in terms of the game, there will be almost no difference in performance or radar, and I am speaking from the company’s perspective because it will not add the latest things for sure, but this is acceptable since it applies to everyone, but the biggest problem with the J-11B is that it is air supremacy only without the ability to provide ground support, and the best choice for China for ground support is the JH-7A, and even this plane does not have the equivalent non-ground payloads of other countries such as the Russians, Americans, or even the French now.
The SM is from 2012, so this is a non-argument.
Mean reasoning for them not adding it is due to the amazing AESA and modern missile count, it would be miles better than the Su-30SM is every field besides BFM and have similar CAS ability
It is possible to add the plane without the latest air-to-air weapons. This is normal because this applies to all countries in the game, but it will be able to provide ground support and will have a modern radar, not an old one.