I checked on the war thunder wiki and I didn’t see the M113. It was from the USA but I only see it in china, United Kingdom, and Italy. I understand there is the hammer TOW version but I was wondering 2 things, will there be another update and if there is can y’all add the M113. If there won’t, ok.
the m901 and m163 are both based off the m113.
There still M113 with TOW or M113 with M40 Recoilless Rifle or M113 with M47 Dragon that can be add.
Well there’s the M901 which is an M113 with TOWs. A TT M113 TOW like other nations wouldn’t really fill that big of a gap with the M901 just being better at the same BR, plus the US has M3 and M551 also at 8.3 which additionally give that ATGM support.
But an M113 TOW could still be an interesting vehicle, if the US actually used it. If so, why don’t you make a proper suggestion for it?
Ok, thanks.
And the Chaparral
you have the M901