Why is there no more east german tanks?

there are a lot of east German planes even in the top tier (mig 29)
but in tanks there are only 2 when theres a lot more of tanks

(bmp 2, t34-85, t54, t55, 2s1, 2s3, zsu 57-2, zsu 23-4 Shilka, 9k35 strela-10, pt76, btr-80)
so why they not getting added like tanks in the germany nation?


Because people don’t like copy-paste


I don’t like the idea of ‘subtrees’ that have only 1-2 unique vehicles, and the rest is pure copy-paste soviet or american stuff. Gaijin just really became lazy at this point.


Quite a lot of East German tanks seem like they would be copy and paste or unmodified vehicles. I would not like to see them get unmodified tanks from nations already in game personally. The German T-72 and especially the German BMP-1 were not needed.


Those were really needed, especially the BMP-1

Also they can get a T-54A with a vertical stabilizer which is super cool (actually never used APHE in german service so it’d be really interesting with only APDS/HEATFS)


But Gaijin do it more often then earlier

And what is even more strange, why is there no more East Germany?

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and thats not a good thing

Agree at all

I suppose you could argue for another 8.0 or 8.3 tank. Likely some semi-unique T-54 variants that could be added, as you said.

The BMP-1 was never needed. They have the DF105, two Marder 1s, Wiesel 1A4, and the LeKPz M41 all at similar ranks. The SPz 12-3 LGS could’ve been a non-premium as well, since it wasn’t added at that point. Even back when it was first added, the LeKPz M41 and Marder A1- were added very soon after. This isn’t even considering domestic light vehicles they could still get such as the Spähpanzer 1C.

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Idk, made a post of similar form about the 2S1 Gvozdika for the NVA.

Don’t forget that “DF” literally means Deutschland - France and should have been added to the French tree :) (please god why)

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The problem is a lot of subtrees that have copy paste could literally be given their unique vehicles but since gaijin would rather sell them as event/prem they wont add them to TT


And the only single subtree that not consists from copy-paste vehicles - is South Africa (Gripen doesn’t count). I don’t know what even happened at Gaijin, that they decided to make only couple of unique vehicles and fill the rest of them with stuff we already have in other TT. Like really, who does have interest in unlocking another T-72/Leopard 2/Spitfire/Meteor etc. ?


There’s a few vehicles that are modified by east germany and are ‘unique’ in a way, at least one T-54 and T-55. I don’t think many would object to more SPAA like the Shilka and Strela 10, which they did use.

For example:
Yes, that’s a truck with a 2M-3 naval AA mount. They also had the obligatory truck with a ZU-23 on the back:

And some 4x4 with Iglas.


The 4x4 with Iglas would be interesting

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Truck with double 25mm would be very fun and good! Would be nice around 6.0, I would use it from there to 8.0. Good M53/59 analogue.

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Hopefully France will get the AMX-13-105. I would rather get that anyways.

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Uncultured, that’s the UAZ (this is a joke don’t take offense XD)

By-far the sexiest Soviet motor-vehicle, behind the Lada 1200.
