Why is there no F/A-18 in the strike line?

So, I took a look at the predicted positions for the Hornet and I’m a bit hurt that the Strike line (technically the Marine Air force line by a stretch) did not receive a hornet. In my opinion I don’t see a reason for it to not get at least a 12.7 or 13.0 version of the aircraft. But I may be wrong.
Additionally. Most if not all modern Jets have a form of G/AOA limiter and a way to toggle it. So I wonder how that will be implemented in the game.


go home pops, you have dementia


i forgor


Cause 1- F-18s are fighters primarily.
2- F-18E that replaced 2 strike aircraft, and 1 multirole aircraft isn’t in the game.

G-limiter will be what the plane can do IRL.


okay, thank you for the clarification.

Well, you were gravely mistaken as it’s a US Navy fighter that replaced the F-14.
Skill issue

Because they don’t want to model the F-14D

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why cant i find any of the update vehicles, im on a xbox 1 s btw and none of the new update vehicles are visible to me?

I anticipate that the 2-seat hornets will be in the strike line, so maybe f/a-18f and if they get crazy the G (Growler) even though it is EA/SEAD.

Just my guess based on talking to Super Hornet pilots.

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Because it’s a naval fighter…



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when the update comes out it will be?

Maybe because the update ain`t out yet


The only real case for this is either the F/A-18D which were operated in dedicated VMFA(AW) night attack squadrons whose primary role was ground attack in all forms, or the E/A-18G Growler when SEAD/DEAD are added with jamming and antiradiation missiles.

I would LOVE to have both. F/A-18D (yes the twin seater specifically) is one of my favorite jets of all time.

I would’ve rather had the F/A-18D than the F/A-18C (Early) as a premium if it won’t be added to tech tree.

what lines will the F/A-18s be on for the US tech?

Who is putting AN/APG-79V4 on US legacy hornets in the 2020’s then? The Navy retired them in 2019.

The Superhornet replaced the F-14. The Hornets were inferior to the Tomcat and worked alongside it as a primary AtG platform.


Only the Echo, Foxtrot, and Golf have that radar set though.

AN/APG-79V4 is a downsized GaN version specifically for legacy hornets.

Idk man, exports? The Finnish have the C hornets, and Canada also still operates legacy hornets.