Why is the Tu-4 8.0?

Why hasn’t it been lowered? It’s literally unplayable at 8.0. You can’t defend yourself, and when you can, your wing gets shot off in 40 milliseconds. Ignoring the missiles, it’s barely playable in ground battles when there’s no SPAA. And if there is SPAA, they’re just going to turn you into Swiss cheese

6.3 TO 8.0 GAIJIN?

Please lower it there is a giant gap between 5.7 and 8.0


I agree that it should go lower, maybe like 7.3 or 7.0. At 8.0 it’s uh, questionable.


Like how do you even do this? 6.3->6.7->7.3->7.7->8.0? What’s the reasoning?

Legacy br, like the R2y2s, N1k2s, Ta-152s, g56, etc. Basically planes that used to be really op a looong time ago, got uptiered to the point they became useless so people stopped playing them much and so gaijin has never bothered to change their brs anymore and moved on to balancing the newer and more popular vehicles

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Pretty much all heavy bombers are over-BRed. Ultimately gaijin balances them based upon how many bombs they carry and not necessarily if they can make it to anything to drop those bombs on


Max BR’s used to be, a lot lower you know?

Also 23mm turrets go brrr

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Because at 6.3 it used to be top tier… at 8.0 it is a long way from top tier.

also: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1h5t8gt/why_is_the_tu4_at_80/

But things have definitely changed since then.


Bombs carried is certainly part of it - but AFAIK they are based on “player success rates” in actual use just like every other a/c.

It’s just that carrying lotsabombs means plenty of success (of some form) when they are unmolested - which is surprisingly often when they are the top BR in a match.

Potentially, but its still a bad way to balance vehicles.

But when you compare something like Lancaster B MKIII vs B-17G-60-VE both at 5.3. Its pretty clear something isnt right.

B-17 is faster, has better turrets, has signficantly better turret coverage and I think is more restistant to damage (though no bomber is resistant to enough damage which is a big part of the bomber problem). But the Lancaster has a little over double the bomb load, so somehow that makes them the same BR. You are right, if you get through you can do more, though you get through less often (and even if you do, no guarantee of anything to bomber which is the other other big problem with heavy bombers)

You also have to factor in GRB as well and probably plays a bigger a part in this more than ARB performance does. I dont think they’ve done split BRs down the full tree yet and so you have things like the Lancaster at 5.3 in air because of its big bombs in GRB.


  • Bombers need a damage model overhaul
  • Bombers need to be placed on Split ARB/GRB ratings
  • Air BRs need to be based on aircraft performance/defensive loadout and less so on bomb load
  • ARB needs improvements to bases, such as a permament base so that there is always something to drop bombs on if you do get through to the bases
  • Contrails need an overhaul along with the spotting system
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Yep - and the Lanc is “kinda useful” in naval too, where that 12,000 lb monster can kill several ships dozens of yards apart from each other.

That is most definitely a success that is down to bombload.

Yeah, can be of use in Naval (cant wait for the Mosqutio with a cookie for naval though) but either naval ratings or just sticking them with the ground ratings would be fine for balance.

Could possibly even see aircraft with the big bombs move up in ground with split BRs too. Lanc and Pe-8 have a tendency to be maybe too strong in GRB

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they nerfed tu4 in 2015-2017 badly because you could bomb the airfield and end games in 2 minutes. First they made the gunners usless, because all gringos was crying about it and then up the BR. Tu4 is a usless plane nowdays.

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Except the YER did that just as well and was never hit with such intense upteirs.

6.3 was never ‘top teir’ you always had the mig-9, f-86, Me-163, and such above 6.3

You mean the Germans lol

Considering the B-29 is 7.0, the TU-4 should be 7.0 or 7.3

Ah yes, when we didn’t have x4 bombers cap

Tu-4’s BR has skyrocketed because of the balancing in Jet BR that Gaijin did at the time which was different from nowdays.

They were placing all jet/rocket aircraft in only 3 BRs at 7.0/8.0/9.0 at the time, except for a few exceptions like F-84Gs. At some point in the case of Tu-4 the BR was changed to 7.0, but it was still insane, so they moved to 8.0 with one BR change.

We had…

8.0 Me 262 C-1a (same BR with C-2b)
8.0 MiG-9(both)
9.0 F-86s (literally every sabres had same BR)
9.0 MiG-15/MiG-17 etc…

Are we talking about Air or Ground?
For some reason, I actually had a good time with the Tu-4 in ARB. The turrets did its job and majority of the time, I was able to bomb at least 1 base. A good portion of that I was able to get to two or more.

cause it get 20mm guns instead of the .50 on the b-29

tu4 mainly got nerfed because, you did not need a premium plane to grind all soviet planes.