Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

Yes, but it should do things like leading for the player. There should be a way to work around it, maybe using the Pantsir/Tor leading system with some tweaks

It already does in game. It isn’t using SALCOS for guidance, it’s LOSBR.

It doesn’t lead very aggressively as I believe when it used to it was kinda hard to hit straight on shots as it kept trying to lead.

You’re after a pre-launch offset for the launcher to account for the boost stage I’m guessing?

That and it correcting for the for example target speed when going perpendicular to you. And if that is impossible just a stupid marker like in gun spaas would be cool.
System knows where to lead the missile if the target is perpendicular to maximise the hit%.

Tracking could also be tweaked. 0 imput from me after locking and putting it on the center
At close range its even worse
And all that is against slower targets. at the Stormer BR things are much faster


Pretty sure the minimum engagement zone for starstreaks is still way too large.

It’s amazing how they can have this missile not modelled properly for years, with sporadic periods of months where it is literally unusable, but when someone provides a source that the G-overload is too high they correct that within weeks.



1.5km is a lucky hit at best anything less and the missiles just say nope… we’re going over here XD that’s if you can get a lock at all, wtf was happening here? broken - Album on Imgur

It usually happens to me in cloudy weather. It’s really frustrating considering that sometimes the cloud is behind the aircraft and we still can’t lock it.


this was a clear day XD

@SlowHandClap If you or other community members would like to test the engagement zones here they are;




The scales make it a bit of a pain in the arse.


Is this on the dev server?

This has been in production for a long time now. It was changed around xmas I think.

What is it that needs to be tested because I’ve basically been playing the stormer exclusively since the changes and have racked up about 250 air kills, i assume it’s about the minimum engagement range feasibility in game currently?

Look at the engagement zones and try to kill targets that meet that criteria.

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In my experience anything under 1km is almost no go and basically garenteed to miss, but i will have a look at this properly later

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Unless it either a slower moving heli or a jet coming straight at me. I generally wont bother even trying to hit anything within 1-1.5km currently. Maybe even more like 2km


Hitting aircraft within 1 km most of the time is luck. You need to lead the target, and there’s no time for adjustments. If there were a lead indicator like some SPAAs have, perhaps targeting them would be more feasible.

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All the engagement zones are for head on engagements, due to the boost stage abeam targets are the most challenging.

Yeah, that is the issue

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The problem is even with head on engagements due to the missiles drop gaijin have implemented it’s always slightly lower than what it seems. It’s not as noticeable as in atgms but it definitely messes with the accuracy of the missile, especially within the 1-2km range.

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