Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

I’ll let you guess


TBH i wish they would deny it already so i can remake it for the third time



There you go, december 2019, Starstreak going straight through a Tiger engine housing.

Starstreaks from my AH Mk1 expertly evaded by a high manoeuvring SU-22…

Even the automated guidance on the Apache is pretty useless…

I got him with the 25mm finally…



welcome to the Britain experience, you get

  • underarmoured MBTs because the Devs are illiterate
  • MBTs that explode because of a bug 2-3 months old that… shouldn’t even be exploding
  • an SPAA that’s so useless you’d be better going back to a gun system
  • No light tanks (with the possible exception of the VFM5 and the magic school busses)

Good light tanks but few.

where is my CVR(T)s

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This should fix the Starstreak.
Or it could just get Starburst.

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Why we dont have any of the car based SPAA systems is beyond me.


this could be the perfect 9.0 ish IR guided SPAA system we need and it would be hilariously fun to use (those are Javelins on the back of that)


I honestly rather a stormer with Javelins over that, at 9.0+ that’ll just get overpressured by an su25 from 200m away not to mention gaijin will give it a maximum traverse rate of about 30°s lik3 the Swedish 701.

Day 269 of the stormer being broken.

Don’t know why any of you want stuff like javelin or blowpipe they are awfully bad missile systems. Not worth the time of day implementing in game


The Starstreak would be fine if it was implemented correctly and gaijin actually gave a crap about fixing it.

This is getting increasingly ridiculous. A verified, game breaking bug for an important vehicle is just not being addressed. There are zero excuses for this neglect and indifference.

Playing devils advocate for a moment, I reckon its crappy servers or ancient spagetti to blame for the Starstreak. It might not be fixable. But why they havent at least replaced the missile is beyond me. I feel like they hate admitting they were wrong/couldnt do something

I suspect you’re right. I came up with 3 reasons why it’s not fixed the other day :

  • spaghetti code where fixing it would break other stuff.
  • it would require a boost to the server tick rate, which they aren’t willing to do for one vehicle, and a minor nation one at that.
  • They can’t be bothered to actually fix it.

It has to be one of these three, I can’t see any other reason it would be neglected like this.

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Yep probably.

Then stop doing so, you are not my advocate and im very displeased that you are impersonating John. He is a good man and i doubt he will like it when someone impersonates him.

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So Devil also didnt say he was going to buy everyone a round at the bar?